Search Results (1 to 10 of 3671 Results)
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Skip search results from other journals and go to results- 1003 Journal of Medical Internet Research
- 686 JMIR Research Protocols
- 433 JMIR Formative Research
- 289 JMIR mHealth and uHealth
- 163 JMIR Public Health and Surveillance
- 159 JMIR Mental Health
- 132 Online Journal of Public Health Informatics
- 124 JMIR Medical Informatics
- 106 JMIR Human Factors
- 72 JMIR Cancer
- 64 Iproceedings
- 59 JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting
- 52 JMIR Aging
- 40 JMIR Medical Education
- 40 JMIR Serious Games
- 38 JMIR Dermatology
- 37 JMIR Diabetes
- 36 Interactive Journal of Medical Research
- 27 JMIR Cardio
- 19 JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies
- 19 JMIRx Med
- 17 JMIR Infodemiology
- 13 JMIR Perioperative Medicine
- 11 JMIR Nursing
- 10 Journal of Participatory Medicine
- 5 JMIR Biomedical Engineering
- 3 JMIR Bioinformatics and Biotechnology
- 2 Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal
- 2 JMIR Neurotechnology
- 2 JMIR XR and Spatial Computing (JMXR)
- 2 Medicine 2.0
- 0 JMIR Preprints
- 0 JMIR Challenges
- 0 JMIR Data
- 0 JMIRx Bio
- 0 Transfer Hub (manuscript eXchange)
Cassia John Rye Hanton, Yong-Jun Kwon, Thawda Aung, Jackie Whittington, Robin R High, Evan H Goulding, A Katrin Schenk, Stephen J Bonasera
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2017;5(10):e104Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Maaike C Swets, Steven R Kerr, Brian MacKenna, Louis Fisher, Merel van Wijnen, Diederik Brandwagt, Paul W Schenk, Pieter Fraaij, Leonardus G Visser, Sebastian Bacon, Amir Mehrkar, Alistair Nichol, Patrick Twomey, Philippa C Matthews, ISARIC4C Hepatitis Study Group, Malcolm G Semple, Geert H Groeneveld, Ben Goldacre, Iain Jones, J Kenneth Baillie
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2024;10:e55376Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Arka Ghosh, Jagriti Agnihotri, Sradha Bhalotia, Bharat Kumar Sati, Latika Agarwal, Akash A, Swastika Tandon, Komal Meena, Shreyash Raj, Yatin Azad, Silky Gupta, Nitin Gupta
JMIR Serious Games 2023;11:e37105Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Sheri J J Hartman, Lindsay W Dillon, Andrea Z LaCroix, Loki Natarajan, Dorothy D Sears, Neville Owen, David W Dunstan, James F Sallis, Simon Schenk, Matthew Allison, Michelle Takemoto, Alexandra M Herweck, Bao Nguyen, Dori E Rosenberg
JMIR Res Protoc 2021;10(5):e28684Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Tina Auerswald, Katharina Zwingmann, Torsten Schlesinger, Katrin Müller
JMIR Res Protoc 2024;13:e51462Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Ruth Elisabeth von Brachel, Katrin Hötzel, Gerrit Hirschfeld, Elizabeth Rieger, Ulrike Schmidt, Joachim Kosfelder, Tanja Hechler, Dietmar Schulte, Silja Vocks
J Med Internet Res 2014;16(3):e92Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Using Crowdsourcing Technology for Testing Multilingual Public Health Promotion Materials
Anne M. Turner, Katrin Kirchhoff, Daniel Capurro
J Med Internet Res 2012;14(3):e79Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Quality Criteria for Serious Games: Serious Part, Game Part, and Balance
Polona Caserman, Katrin Hoffmann, Philipp Müller, Marcel Schaub, Katharina Straßburg, Josef Wiemeyer, Regina Bruder, Stefan Göbel
JMIR Serious Games 2020;8(3):e19037Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Analytics, Machine Learning & NLP – use in BioSurveillance and Public Health practice
Mujitha B. K B, Ajil Jalal, Vishnuprasad V, Nishad K A
Online J Public Health Inform 2015;7(1):e61688Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Chithira V Nair, Merlin Moni, Fabia Edathadathil, Appukuttan A, Preetha Prasanna, Roshni Pushpa Raghavan, Dipu T Sathyapalan, Aveek Jayant
JMIR Form Res 2023;7:e40028Download Citation: END BibTex RIS