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Comparing the Data Quality of Global Positioning System Devices and Mobile Phones for Assessing Relationships Between Place, Mobility, and Health: Field Study

Comparing the Data Quality of Global Positioning System Devices and Mobile Phones for Assessing Relationships Between Place, Mobility, and Health: Field Study

Participant demographics and technology ownership (N=21). a More than one response possible. Missing data analysis results. a N/A: not applicable. Spatial accuracy analysis. Activity space comparison from travel route buffer. a1 ha=10,000 m2. b S: subject. Illustrative examples of this analysis are shown in the first two columns of Figure 1 for participants with extreme (S14 and S23) and minor differences (S26 and S9) in daily paths.

Robert Goodspeed, Xiang Yan, Jean Hardy, VG Vinod Vydiswaran, Veronica J Berrocal, Philippa Clarke, Daniel M Romero, Iris N Gomez-Lopez, Tiffany Veinot

JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018;6(8):e168

Models of Gender Dysphoria Using Social Media Data for Use in Technology-Delivered Interventions: Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Validation Study

Models of Gender Dysphoria Using Social Media Data for Use in Technology-Delivered Interventions: Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Validation Study

To identify the unique linguistic content associated with gender dysphoria, 550 n-grams (ie, word units of size n; n=1, 2, and 3) were generated. The first author audited the 250 unigrams, 250 bigrams, and 50 trigrams extracted to ensure that the n-grams were not related to off-topic terms (eg, “lockdown” and “gift card”).

Cory J Cascalheira, Ryan E Flinn, Yuxuan Zhao, Dannie Klooster, Danica Laprade, Shah Muhammad Hamdi, Jillian R Scheer, Alejandra Gonzalez, Emily M Lund, Ivan N Gomez, Koustuv Saha, Munmun De Choudhury

JMIR Form Res 2023;7:e47256

Clarifying the Concepts of Personalization and Tailoring of eHealth Technologies: Multimethod Qualitative Study

Clarifying the Concepts of Personalization and Tailoring of eHealth Technologies: Multimethod Qualitative Study

In total, 10 participants consented to participate in the interviews, of whom there were 4 (40%) men, 2 (20%) women, and 1 (10%) nonbinary participant (n=3, 30% participants did not disclose their gender). Their mean age was 39 years (SD 5.93 y; 4 missing values), and the majority (n=4, 40%) worked as a professor. Other professions were associate professor, professor emeritus, lecturer, and physiologist.

Iris ten Klooster, Hanneke Kip, Sina L Beyer, Lisette J E W C van Gemert-Pijnen, Saskia M Kelders

J Med Internet Res 2024;26:e50497

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