Search Results (1 to 10 of 169 Results)
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Skip search results from other journals and go to results- 49 Journal of Medical Internet Research
- 23 JMIR Research Protocols
- 22 JMIR mHealth and uHealth
- 14 JMIR Formative Research
- 14 JMIR Mental Health
- 11 Online Journal of Public Health Informatics
- 7 JMIR Medical Informatics
- 4 JMIR Human Factors
- 4 JMIR Public Health and Surveillance
- 3 JMIR Serious Games
- 3 JMIRx Med
- 2 JMIR Cancer
- 2 JMIR Medical Education
- 1 Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal
- 1 Interactive Journal of Medical Research
- 1 JMIR Aging
- 1 JMIR Cardio
- 1 JMIR Diabetes
- 1 JMIR Infodemiology
- 1 JMIR Neurotechnology
- 1 JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting
- 1 JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies
- 1 Journal of Participatory Medicine
- 0 Medicine 2.0
- 0 Iproceedings
- 0 JMIR Preprints
- 0 JMIR Bioinformatics and Biotechnology
- 0 JMIR Challenges
- 0 JMIR Biomedical Engineering
- 0 JMIR Data
- 0 JMIR Dermatology
- 0 JMIR Perioperative Medicine
- 0 JMIR Nursing
- 0 JMIRx Bio
- 0 Transfer Hub (manuscript eXchange)
- 0 JMIR XR and Spatial Computing (JMXR)
Katherine L Louise Downing, Jo Salmon, Trina Hinkley, Jill A Hnatiuk, Kylie D Hesketh
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018;6(2):e39Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Mark D Drehlich, Michael Naraine, Katie Rowe, Samuel K Lai, Jo Salmon, Helen Brown, Harriet Koorts, Susie Macfarlane, Nicola D Ridgers
J Med Internet Res 2020;22(3):e15552Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Simone Johanna Josefa Maria Verswijveren, Gavin Abbott, Samuel K Lai, Jo Salmon, Anna Timperio, Helen Brown, Susie Macfarlane, Nicola D Ridgers
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2022;10(8):e35261Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Kate Parker, Riaz Uddin, Nicola D Ridgers, Helen Brown, Jenny Veitch, Jo Salmon, Anna Timperio, Shannon Sahlqvist, Samuel Cassar, Kim Toffoletti, Ralph Maddison, Lauren Arundell
J Med Internet Res 2021;23(2):e23389Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Harriet Koorts, Jo Salmon, Anna Timperio, Kylie Ball, Susie Macfarlane, Samuel K Lai, Helen Brown, Stephanie E Chappel, Marina Lewis, Nicola D Ridgers
J Med Internet Res 2020;22(8):e13573Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Wearable Activity Tracker Use Among Australian Adolescents: Usability and Acceptability Study
Nicola D D Ridgers, Anna Timperio, Helen Brown, Kylie Ball, Susie Macfarlane, Samuel K Lai, Kara Richards, Kelly A Mackintosh, Melitta A McNarry, Megan Foster, Jo Salmon
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018;6(4):e86Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Kelly A D Mackintosh, Stephanie E Chappel, Jo Salmon, Anna Timperio, Kylie Ball, Helen Brown, Susie Macfarlane, Nicola D Ridgers
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2019;7(11):e13858Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
José S Enriquez, Yan Chu, Shivanand Pudakalakatti, Kang Lin Hsieh, Duncan Salmon, Prasanta Dutta, Niki Zacharias Millward, Eugene Lurie, Steven Millward, Florencia McAllister, Anirban Maitra, Subrata Sen, Ann Killary, Jian Zhang, Xiaoqian Jiang, Pratip K Bhattacharya, Shayan Shams
JMIR Med Inform 2021;9(6):e26601Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
A Real-Time Autonomous Dashboard for the Emergency Department: 5-Year Case Study
Junsang Yoo, Kwang Yul Jung, Taerim Kim, Taerim Lee, Sung Yeon Hwang, Hee Yoon, Tae Gun Shin, Min Seob Sim, Ik Joon Jo, Hansol Paeng, Jong Soo Choi, Won Chul Cha
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018;6(11):e10666Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Robyn a Whittaker, Enid Dorey, Dale Bramley, Chris Bullen, Simon Denny, C Raina Elley, Ralph Maddison, Hayden McRobbie, Varsha Parag, Anthony Rodgers, Penny Salmon
J Med Internet Res 2011;13(1):e10Download Citation: END BibTex RIS