Search Results (1 to 10 of 572 Results)
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Skip search results from other journals and go to results- 141 Journal of Medical Internet Research
- 101 JMIR Research Protocols
- 72 JMIR Formative Research
- 57 JMIR mHealth and uHealth
- 27 Online Journal of Public Health Informatics
- 20 JMIR Mental Health
- 17 JMIR Cancer
- 17 JMIR Public Health and Surveillance
- 16 JMIR Human Factors
- 16 JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting
- 15 JMIR Medical Informatics
- 9 Interactive Journal of Medical Research
- 8 JMIR Diabetes
- 8 JMIR Serious Games
- 7 JMIR Cardio
- 7 JMIR Medical Education
- 6 JMIR Aging
- 5 JMIR Dermatology
- 4 Iproceedings
- 4 Journal of Participatory Medicine
- 3 JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies
- 3 JMIRx Med
- 2 JMIR Infodemiology
- 2 JMIR Nursing
- 1 JMIR Bioinformatics and Biotechnology
- 1 JMIR Perioperative Medicine
- 1 JMIR XR and Spatial Computing (JMXR)
- 0 Medicine 2.0
- 0 JMIR Preprints
- 0 JMIR Challenges
- 0 JMIR Biomedical Engineering
- 0 JMIR Data
- 0 JMIRx Bio
- 0 Transfer Hub (manuscript eXchange)
- 0 JMIR Neurotechnology
- 0 Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal
Rebecca Gunter, Sara Fernandes-Taylor, Andrea Mahnke, Lola Awoyinka, Chad Schroeder, Jason Wiseman, Sarah Sullivan, Kyla Bennett, Caprice Greenberg, K Craig Kent
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2016;4(3):e113Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Sara Fernandes-Taylor, Rebecca L Gunter, Kyla M Bennett, Lola Awoyinka, Shahrose Rahman, Caprice C Greenberg, K Craig Kent
JMIR Res Protoc 2017;6(2):e26Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Tim Jacobs, Björn Geysemans, Guido Van Hal, Inge Glazemakers, Kristian Fog-Poulsen, Alexandra Vermandel, Stefan De Wachter, Gunter De Win
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2021;7(10):e32542Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Lara Maria Nau, Gunter Laux, Attila Altiner, Joachim Szecsenyi, Rüdiger Leutgeb
JMIR Res Protoc 2024;13:e54002Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Lola Bladt, Ardavan Kashtiara, Wouter Platteau, Stefan De Wachter, Gunter De Win
JMIR Form Res 2023;7:e51019Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Andrew McWilliams, Kelly Reeves, Lindsay Shade, Elizabeth Burton, Hazel Tapp, Cheryl Courtlandt, Andrew Gunter, Michael F Dulin
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018;6(3):e68Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Abigail Rebecca Rebecca Lee, Esther Vera Gerritzen, Orii McDermott, Martin Orrell
J Med Internet Res 2021;23(7):e26551Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Zafra Cooper, Helen Doll, Suzanne Bailey-Straebler, Kristin Bohn, Dian de Vries, Rebecca Murphy, Marianne E O'Connor, Christopher G Fairburn
JMIR Ment Health 2017;4(4):e51Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Jürgen M Giesler, Bettina Keller, Tim Repke, Rainer Leonhart, Joachim Weis, Rebecca Muckelbauer, Nina Rieckmann, Jacqueline Müller-Nordhorn, Gabriele Lucius-Hoene, Christine Holmberg
J Med Internet Res 2017;19(10):e334Download Citation: END BibTex RIS