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Factors Influencing Neuromuscular Blockade Reversal Choice in the United States Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Retrospective Longitudinal Analysis

Factors Influencing Neuromuscular Blockade Reversal Choice in the United States Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Retrospective Longitudinal Analysis

This study analyzes NMB reversal agent use patterns for US adult inpatient surgeries before and after the COVID-19 outbreak to determine whether pandemic-related practice changes affected use trends established before COVID-19. By understanding these trends, we can gain insight into how NMB management has evolved following COVID-19 and potentially recognize patient, procedural, and institutional factors that were associated with these changes.

Vladimir Turzhitsky, Lori D Bash, Richard D Urman, Michael Kattan, Ira Hofer

JMIR Perioper Med 2024;7:e52278

Interpreting COVID-19 and Virtual Care Trends: Cohort Study

Interpreting COVID-19 and Virtual Care Trends: Cohort Study

The aim of this study was to explore the trends in confirmed COVID-19 cases in North Carolina, and to understand patterns in virtual visits related to symptoms of COVID-19. We conducted a cohort study of confirmed COVID-19 cases and patients using an on-demand, statewide virtual urgent care (VUC) center. The center was launched by a major health care system in the Southeast region of the United States. We collected data from February 1, 2020, to March 15, 2020.

Saif Khairat, Chenlu Meng, Yuxuan Xu, Barbara Edson, Robert Gianforcaro

JMIR Public Health Surveill 2020;6(2):e18811

Patterns of Prescription Medication Use Before Diagnosis of Early Age-Onset Colorectal Cancer: Population-Based Descriptive Study

Patterns of Prescription Medication Use Before Diagnosis of Early Age-Onset Colorectal Cancer: Population-Based Descriptive Study

The increasing incidence of EAO-CRC has called for research to better understand various aspects of the disease [2-4], including the path to diagnosis, particularly patterns of health care use.

Vienna Cheng, Eric C Sayre, Vicki Cheng, Ria Garg, Sharlene Gill, Ameer Farooq, Mary A De Vera

JMIR Cancer 2024;10:e50402

Unveiling Usage Patterns and Explaining Usage of Symptom Checker Apps: Explorative Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study

Unveiling Usage Patterns and Explaining Usage of Symptom Checker Apps: Explorative Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study

Consequently, this study uses a mixed methods approach to explore how medical laypersons use SCAs, aiming to understand the patterns of use and the users’ perceptions following their experience with a symptom checker. This study was conducted using a mixed methods study approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative components within a prospective longitudinal cohort study design. The primary outcome of this study was whether one specific SCA was used during a day or not by Ada [17].

Anna-Jasmin Wetzel, Christine Preiser, Regina Müller, Stefanie Joos, Roland Koch, Tanja Henking, Hannah Haumann

J Med Internet Res 2024;26:e55161

Physical Activity Pattern of Adults With Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors: Time-Series Cluster Analysis

Physical Activity Pattern of Adults With Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors: Time-Series Cluster Analysis

Therefore, this study assessed the feasibility of using a time-series clustering method to analyze wearable data for daily physical activity patterns and explored the association between these patterns and health risk factors. This study examined physical activity patterns among at-risk individuals using wrist-worn wearables. Step counts, distances, and energy expenditure (EE) were measured over 1 week in a real-life setting between November 22, 2021, and December 2, 2021.

Junhyoung Kim, Jin-Young Choi, Hana Kim, Taeksang Lee, Jaeyoung Ha, Sangyi Lee, Jungmi Park, Gyeong-Suk Jeon, Sung-il Cho

JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2023;11:e50663