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HIV Incidence and Transactional Sex Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Ningbo, China: Prospective Cohort Study Using a WeChat-Based Platform

HIV Incidence and Transactional Sex Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Ningbo, China: Prospective Cohort Study Using a WeChat-Based Platform

We used univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression to identify factors associated with HIV incidence. P values of This study was reviewed and approved by the ethics board of the Ningbo CDC (201908). Informed consent was obtained from each participant. Participants were given a cash gift of ¥50 (approximately US $7) after each survey visit as compensation for their time. All participants found to be HIV-positive were referred to treatment.

Hang Hong, Xiaojun Shi, Yuhui Liu, Wei Feng, Ting Fang, Chunlan Tang, Guozhang Xu

JMIR Public Health Surveill 2024;10:e52366

Risk Factors for Not Completing a 2-Dose Primary Series of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccination in a Large Health Care System in Southern California: Retrospective Cohort Study

Risk Factors for Not Completing a 2-Dose Primary Series of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccination in a Large Health Care System in Southern California: Retrospective Cohort Study

To examine the association between potential risk factors and not completing the 2-dose primary series, we fit a multiple Poisson regression model with noncompletion of the 2-dose primary series within 6 months after the first dose as the dependent variable and potential risk factors as the independent variables.

Stanley Xu, Vennis Hong, Lina S Sy, Katia J Bruxvoort, Bruno Lewin, Bing Han, Kimberly J Holmquist, Lei Qian

JMIR Public Health Surveill 2023;9:e46318

Digital Maturity as a Predictor of Quality and Safety Outcomes in US Hospitals: Cross-Sectional Observational Study

Digital Maturity as a Predictor of Quality and Safety Outcomes in US Hospitals: Cross-Sectional Observational Study

Consequently, different types of regression modeling approaches were required to examine the associations between digital maturity levels (underdeveloped versus advanced) and The Leapfrog Group's Hospital Safety Grades, practices, and outcomes. The regression methodologies used in each case are described in the following paragraphs.

Anne Snowdon, Abdulkadir Hussein, Melissa Danforth, Alexandra Wright, Reid Oakes

J Med Internet Res 2024;26:e56316

Physical Activity Pattern of Adults With Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors: Time-Series Cluster Analysis

Physical Activity Pattern of Adults With Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors: Time-Series Cluster Analysis

For categorical variables, the number and proportion for each category were presented, along with the P value calculated using the χ2 or Fisher exact test for variables with counts The association between weekly physical activity patterns and participant characteristics was analyzed using a logistic regression model. The regression model was evaluated in terms of pseudo-R2, accuracy, Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit, and the receiver operating characteristic curve.

Junhyoung Kim, Jin-Young Choi, Hana Kim, Taeksang Lee, Jaeyoung Ha, Sangyi Lee, Jungmi Park, Gyeong-Suk Jeon, Sung-il Cho

JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2023;11:e50663

Evaluation of Primary Allied Health Care in Patients Recovering From COVID-19 at 6-Month Follow-up: Dutch Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study

Evaluation of Primary Allied Health Care in Patients Recovering From COVID-19 at 6-Month Follow-up: Dutch Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study

Uni- and multivariate regression analyses were used to explore which baseline characteristics were associated with changes in the scores of the main outcome measures between baseline (T0) and 6-month follow-up (T2). This analysis used data from complete cases, and missingness at random (MAR) was tested (Table S1 in Multimedia Appendix 1).

Anne I Slotegraaf, Marissa H G Gerards, Arie C Verburg, Marian A E de van der Schueren, Hinke M Kruizenga, Maud J L Graff, Edith H C Cup, Johanna G Kalf, Antoine F Lenssen, Willemijn M Meijer, Renée A Kool, Rob A de Bie, Philip J van der Wees, Thomas J Hoogeboom, Dutch Consortium Allied Healthcare COVID-19

JMIR Public Health Surveill 2023;9:e44155

Durability of the Effectiveness of Heterologous COVID-19 Vaccine Regimens in Thailand: Retrospective Cohort Study Using National Registration Data

Durability of the Effectiveness of Heterologous COVID-19 Vaccine Regimens in Thailand: Retrospective Cohort Study Using National Registration Data

The variables employed in our analysis (Table 1) were used in stratified cross-tabulation and logistic regression analyses. The outcome variables were severe COVID-19 (Y1) and death following COVID-19 (Y2). They were analyzed separately and reported. The exposure variable was the vaccine sequence, for which we included two 2-dose and five 3-dose regimens. Other vaccine sequences had small sample sizes and were omitted. In this study, 2 analytical methods were employed to evaluate VE.

Ponlagrit Kumwichar, Chittawan Poonsiri, Siobhan Botwright, Natchalaikorn Sirichumroonwit, Bootsakorn Loharjun, Supharerk Thawillarp, Nontawit Cheewaruangroj, Amorn Chokchaisiripakdee, Yot Teerawattananon, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong

JMIR Public Health Surveill 2024;10:e48255

Pediatric and Young Adult Household Transmission of the Initial Waves of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States: Administrative Claims Study

Pediatric and Young Adult Household Transmission of the Initial Waves of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States: Administrative Claims Study

To quantify the associations between pediatric index case age groups and the household transmission of SARS-Co V-2 to contacts, we used logistic multiple regression to obtain the ORs using the oldest pediatric group (18 to 25 years) as the reference. We modeled the outcome as a binary variable of whether the index case is linked with any secondary cases in the corresponding household.

Ming Kei Chung, Brian Hart, Mauricio Santillana, Chirag J Patel

J Med Internet Res 2024;26:e44249

The Role of Information Boxes in Search Engine Results for Symptom Searches: Analysis of Archival Data

The Role of Information Boxes in Search Engine Results for Symptom Searches: Analysis of Archival Data

Linear regression was used to analyze the correlation between the time spent on different elements of the page, as a function of the elements shown on the page. Logistic regression was used to analyze the association between page characteristics, info box characteristics, the characteristics of standard web results, and (separately) those of ads on clicks on standard web results or ads. This analysis was conducted at the level of a standard web result or ad.

Lorien C Abroms, Elad Yom-Tov

JMIR Infodemiology 2022;2(2):e37286

Association Between Climatic Factors and Varicella Incidence in Wuxi, East China, 2010-2019: Surveillance Study

Association Between Climatic Factors and Varicella Incidence in Wuxi, East China, 2010-2019: Surveillance Study

To our knowledge, this is the first study to apply the Poisson GAM and the Piecewise Linear Regression Model to explore the relationship between 7 climate variables and the incidence of varicella in Wuxi, in East China’s Huadong Region. The GAM incorporates the following covariates: First, a smoothing term is generated using a thin plate spline function with a maximum degree of freedom of 6 to account for long-term trends in the disease number sequence.

Kehong Zhang, Ganglei Shen, Yue Yuan, Chao Shi

JMIR Public Health Surveill 2024;10:e62863

Characterizing Technology Use and Preferences for Health Communication in South Asian Immigrants With Prediabetes or Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study

Characterizing Technology Use and Preferences for Health Communication in South Asian Immigrants With Prediabetes or Diabetes: Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study

Table 3 provides a summary of the regression analysis to identify factors associated with an interest in receiving diabetes information. The significant factors associated with receiving information via text messaging included male sex, current unemployment, above high school education, and owning a smartphone or tablet.

Lu Hu, Laura C Wyatt, Farhan Mohsin, Sahnah Lim, Jennifer Zanowiak, Shinu Mammen, Sarah Hussain, Shahmir H Ali, Deborah Onakomaiya, Hayley M Belli, Angela Aifah, Nadia S Islam

JMIR Form Res 2024;8:e52687