Usage of Multilingual Mobile Translation Applications in Clinical Settings

Usage of Multilingual Mobile Translation Applications in Clinical Settings

Usage of Multilingual Mobile Translation Applications in Clinical Settings


  1. Panayiotou A, Hwang K, Williams S, Chong T, LoGiudice D, Haralambous B, Lin X, Zucchi E, Mascitti‐Meuter M, Goh A, You E, Batchelor F. The perceptions of translation apps for everyday health care in healthcare workers and older people: A multi‐method study. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2020;29(17-18):3516 View
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  4. Spechbach H, Gerlach J, Mazouri Karker S, Tsourakis N, Combescure C, Bouillon P. A Speech-Enabled Fixed-Phrase Translator for Emergency Settings: Crossover Study. JMIR Medical Informatics 2019;7(2):e13167 View
  5. Silvera‐Tawil D, Pocock C, Bradford D, Donnell A, Harrap K, Freyne J, Brinkmann S. CALD Assist—Nursing: Improving communication in the absence of interpreters. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2018;27(21-22):4168 View
  6. Turner A, Choi Y, Dew K, Tsai M, Bosold A, Wu S, Smith D, Meischke H. Evaluating the Usefulness of Translation Technologies for Emergency Response Communication: A Scenario-Based Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2019;5(1):e11171 View
  7. Panayiotou A, Gardner A, Williams S, Zucchi E, Mascitti-Meuter M, Goh A, You E, Chong T, Logiudice D, Lin X, Haralambous B, Batchelor F. Language Translation Apps in Health Care Settings: Expert Opinion. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(4):e11316 View
  8. Asi Y, Williams C. The role of digital health in making progress toward Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 in conflict-affected populations. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2018;114:114 View
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  10. Molina Recio G, García-Hernández L, Molina Luque R, Salas-Morera L. The role of interdisciplinary research team in the impact of health apps in health and computer science publications: a systematic review. BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2016;15(S1) View
  11. Chen X, Acosta S, Barry A. Machine or Human? Evaluating the Quality of a Language Translation Mobile App for Diabetes Education Material. JMIR Diabetes 2017;2(1):e13 View
  12. Freyne J, Bradford D, Pocock C, Silvera-Tawil D, Harrap K, Brinkmann S. Developing Digital Facilitation of Assessments in the Absence of an Interpreter: Participatory Design and Feasibility Evaluation With Allied Health Groups. JMIR Formative Research 2018;2(1):e1 View
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  14. Albrecht U, von Jan U, Sedlacek L, Groos S, Suerbaum S, Vonberg R. Standardized, App-Based Disinfection of iPads in a Clinical and Nonclinical Setting: Comparative Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2013;15(8):e176 View
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  16. Thonon F, Fahmi S, Rousset-Torrente O, Bessonneau P, Griffith J, Brown C, Chassany O, Duracinsky M. Promoting HIV, HBV and HCV screening among migrants with a language barrier: Protocol for the development and evaluation of an electronic application (Apidé) (Preprint). JMIR Research Protocols 2020 View
  17. Kleinert E, Müller F, Kruse S, Furaijat G, Simmenroth A. Nutzbarkeit digitaler Anamnesehilfen für nicht-deutschsprachige Patienten in der allgemeinärztlichen Sprechstunde. Das Gesundheitswesen 2021;83(07):531 View
  18. Silvera-Tawil D, Pocock C, Bradford D, Donnell A, Freyne J, Harrap K, Brinkmann S. Enabling Nurse-Patient Communication With a Mobile App: Controlled Pretest-Posttest Study With Nurses and Non–English-Speaking Patients. JMIR Nursing 2021;4(3):e19709 View
  19. Herrmann-Werner A, Loda T, Zipfel S, Holderried M, Holderried F, Erschens R. Evaluation of a Language Translation App in an Undergraduate Medical Communication Course: Proof-of-Concept and Usability Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2021;9(12):e31559 View
  20. Alanazi M. Lack of interpretation services for limited English and Arabic proficiency patients in Saudi hospitals: challenges and perceptions. Saudi Journal of Language Studies 2023;3(2):61 View
  21. Islam S, Mishra V, Siddiqui M, Moses J, Adibi S, Nguyen L, Wickramasinghe N. Smartphone Apps for Diabetes Medication Adherence: Systematic Review. JMIR Diabetes 2022;7(2):e33264 View
  22. Hwang K, Williams S, Zucchi E, Chong T, Mascitti‐Meuter M, LoGiudice D, Goh A, Panayiotou A, Batchelor F. Testing the use of translation apps to overcome everyday healthcare communication in Australian aged‐care hospital wards—An exploratory study. Nursing Open 2022;9(1):578 View
  23. Červený M, Siaki L, Prosen M, Nagórska M. Challenges experienced by nurses caring for patients from different cultures: a scoping review of the literature, 2010-2020. Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery 2022;13(4):783 View
  24. Jeyaraman M, K S, Jeyaraman N, Nallakumarasamy A, Yadav S, Bondili S. ChatGPT in Medical Education and Research: A Boon or a Bane?. Cureus 2023 View
  25. Hamiduzzaman M, Siddiquee N, Gaffney H, Aziz Rahman M, Greenhill J. The quality of older adults’ involvement in clinical communication with general practitioners: evidence from rural towns in Australia. Global Health Journal 2023;7(4):186 View
  26. Klawunn R, Albrecht U, Dierks M. Expectations of new technologies in nursing care among hospital patients in Germany – an interview study. Frontiers in Psychology 2023;14 View
  27. Taylor B, McLean G. Exploring the use of mobile translation applications for culturally and linguistically diverse patients during medical imaging examinations in Australia – a systematic review. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences 2024 View
  28. Li J, Zong H, Wu E, Wu R, Peng Z, Zhao J, Yang L, Xie H, Shen B. Exploring the potential of artificial intelligence to enhance the writing of english academic papers by non-native english-speaking medical students - the educational application of ChatGPT. BMC Medical Education 2024;24(1) View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Liu N, Watts M. Impacts of Mobile Use and Experience on Contemporary Society. View
  2. Chen X, Acosta S. Cross-Cultural Health Translation. View
  3. Van Praet E, De Wilde J, Karanfil A. Multilingual Healthcare. View
  4. Molina-Recio G, García-Hernández L, Castilla-Melero A, Palomo-Romero J, Molina-Luque R, Sánchez-Muñoz A, Arauzo-Azofra A, Salas-Morera L. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. View