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Published on 30.07.18 in Vol 6, No 7 (2018): July

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Works citing "A Path to Better-Quality mHealth Apps"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/10414):

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  2. Wattanapisit A, Teo CH, Wattanapisit S, Teoh E, Woo WJ, Ng CJ. Can mobile health apps replace GPs? A scoping review of comparisons between mobile apps and GP tasks. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2020;20(1)
  3. Llorens-Vernet P, Miró J. Standards for Mobile Health–Related Apps: Systematic Review and Development of a Guide. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2020;8(3):e13057
  4. Yeung WK, Dawes P, Pye A, Charalambous A, Neil M, Aslam T, Dickinson C, Leroi I. eHealth tools for the self-testing of visual acuity: a scoping review. npj Digital Medicine 2019;2(1)
  5. Santo K, Redfern J. The Potential of mHealth Applications in Improving Resistant Hypertension Self-Assessment, Treatment and Control. Current Hypertension Reports 2019;21(10)
  6. Radhakrishnan K, Kim MT, Burgermaster M, Brown RA, Xie B, Bray MS, Fournier CA. The potential of digital phenotyping to advance the contributions of mobile health to self-management science. Nursing Outlook 2020;68(5):548
  7. Wilson R, Small J. Care Staff Perspectives on Using Mobile Technology to Support Communication in Long-Term Care: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Nursing 2020;3(1):e21881
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  28. Krieger WH, Cotton BP. Medical Professionals and Medical Apps: Why Oversight Must Come from Within. Smart Homecare Technology and TeleHealth 2021;Volume 8:1
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  33. Topitzer M, Kou Y, Kasumba R, Kreniske P, Parent N. How Differing Audiences Were Associated with User Emotional Expression on a Well-Being App. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies 2022;2022:1
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  3. Carvalho I, Almeida F. Mobile Devices and Smart Gadgets in Medical Sciences. 2020. chapter 1:1
  4. Ferreira A, Almeida R, Almeida R, Jácome C, Fonseca JA, Vieira-Marques P. 8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference. 2021. Chapter 90:805
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  7. Mungloo-Dilmohamud Z, Jodheea-Jutton A, Khedo K, Cheerkoot-Jalim S, Nagowah L, Nagowah S, Peerally A, Baichoo S. Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. 2024. Chapter 30:400