JMIR mHealth and uHealth

Mobile and tablet apps, ubiquitous and pervasive computing, wearable computing, and domotics for health


Lorraine R. Buis, PhD, MSI, Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Michigan, USA

Impact Factor 5.4 CiteScore 12.6

JMIR mHealth and uHealth (JMU, ISSN 2291-5222) is a leading peer-reviewed journal and one of the flagship journals of JMIR Publications. JMIR mHealth and uHealth has been published since 2013 and was the first mhealth journal indexed in PubMed. In June 2024, JMIR mHealth and uHealth received a Journal Impact Factor™ from Clarivate of 5.4 (5-year Journal Impact Factor™: 5.6) and received a CiteScore of 12.6, placing it in the 90th percentile (#13 of 138) as a Q1 journal in the field of Health Informatics. It is indexed in all major literature indices, including MEDLINE, PubMedPubMed Central, Scopus, Psycinfo, SCIE, JCR, EBSCO/EBSCO Essentials, DOAJ, GoOA and others.

JMIR mHealth and uHealth focuses on health and biomedical applications in mobile and tablet computing, pervasive and ubiquitous computing, wearable computing and domotics. 

The journal adheres to rigorous quality standards, involving a rapid and thorough peer-review process, professional copyediting, and professional production of PDF, XHTML, and XML proofs.

Like all JMIR journals, JMIR mHealth and uHealth encourages Open Science principles and strongly encourages the publication of a protocol before data collection. Authors who have published a protocol in JMIR Research Protocols get a discount of 20% on the Article Processing Fee when publishing a subsequent results paper in any JMIR journal.

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Fitness Trackers and Smart Pedometers/Accelerometers

Consumer-based wearables are becoming more popular and provide opportunities to track individual’s clinical parameters remotely. However, literature about their criterion and known groups validity is scarce.

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Wearable Devices and Sensors

ViSi Mobile has the capability of monitoring a patient’s posture continuously during hospitalization. Analysis of ViSi telemetry data enables researchers and healthcare providers to quantify an individual patient’s movement and investigate collective patterns of many patients. However, erroneous values can exist in routinely collected ViSi telemetry data. Data must be scrutinized to remove erroneous records before statistical analysis.

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Wearables and MHealth Reviews

Personal safety is a widespread public health issue that affects people of all demographics. There is a growing interest in the use of mobile apps for enhancing personal safety, particularly for children and youth at risk, who are among the most vulnerable groups in society.

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Text-messaging (SMS, WeChat etc)-Based Interventions

As the most malignant type of cancer in the female reproductive system, ovarian cancer (OC) has become the second leading cause of death among Chinese women. Chemotherapy is the main treatment for OC patients, and its numerous adverse effects can easily lead to malnutrition. It is difficult to centrally manage OC patients in the intervals between chemotherapy. The utility of WeChat, an effective mobile tool, in chronic disease management has been highlighted.

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Quality Evaluation and Descriptive Analysis/Reviews of Multiple Existing Mobile Apps

Pulmonary hypertension (PH), is a chronic and complex condition, requiring consistent management and education. The widespread use of smartphones has opened possibilities for mobile health apps to support both patients and healthcare professionals in monitoring and managing PH more effectively.

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Wearables and MHealth Reviews

The use of wearable sensors is being explored as a challenging way to accurately identify smoking behaviors by measuring physiological and environmental factors in real-life settings. Although they hold potential benefits for aiding smoking cessation, no single wearable device currently achieves high accuracy in detecting smoking events. Furthermore, it is crucial to emphasize that this area of study is dynamic and requires ongoing updates.

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Design and Formative Evaluation of Mobile Apps

Despite the growing availability of smoking cessation apps, low engagement and cessation rates have remained a significant challenge. To address this issue, we used a user-centered design to iteratively develop a mobile app (MO) to provide comprehensive, tailored, and evidence-based content to support smokers in their quitting journey.

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mHealth for Wellness, Behavior Change and Prevention

Obesity is a rapidly increasing health problem in China, causing massive economic and health losses annually. Many techniques have emerged to help people with obesity better adhere to intervention programs and achieve their weight loss goals, including food replacement and internet-delivered weight loss consultations. Most studies on weight loss interventions mainly focused on the change in body weight or body mass index; however, body fat, especially visceral fat mass, is considered the main pathogenic factor in obesity. In China, more reliable evidence is required on this topic. Moreover, it is unclear whether an integrated weight loss program combining food replacement products, mobile app-based platforms, and daily body composition monitoring using a wireless scale is useful and practical in China.

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Evaluation and Research Methodology for mHealth

Effective management of non-communicable diseases requires ongoing coordination and monitoring, often facilitated by e-health technologies such as mobile health (mHealth) applications. The end-user Mobile Application Rating Scale (uMARS) is a valuable tool for assessing the quality of mHealth apps from a user perspective. However, the lack of a French version limits its use in French-speaking countries, where mHealth app evaluation and regulation remain insufficiently addressed although the growing number of applications and high interest in their role in healthcare.

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Usability of Apps and User Perceptions of mHealth

Background: Although at the base of the pyramid-shaped organization of the Rwandan health system, Community Health Workers (CHWs) are central to the community-based management of disease outbreaks.

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mHealth for Wellness, Behavior Change and Prevention

Smartphone-based monitoring in natural settings provides opportunities to monitor mental health behaviors, including suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STB). To date, most STB research using smartphones has primarily relied on collecting so-called "active" data, requiring participants to engage by completing surveys. Data collected passively from smartphone sensors and logs may offer an objectively measured representation of an individual's behavior, including smartphone screen time.


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