Published on in Vol 5, No 6 (2017): June

This is a member publication of Centre for Global eHealth Innovation, Toronto, ON, Canada

A Mobile App for the Self-Management of Type 1 Diabetes Among Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial

A Mobile App for the Self-Management of Type 1 Diabetes Among Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial

A Mobile App for the Self-Management of Type 1 Diabetes Among Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial


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  53. Harst L, Wollschlaeger B, Birnstein J, Fuchs T, Timpel P. Evaluation is Key: Providing Appropriate Evaluation Measures for Participatory and User-Centred Design Processes of Healthcare IT. International Journal of Integrated Care 2021;21(2) View
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  76. LeStourgeon L, Bergner E, Datye K, Streisand R, Jaser S. Evaluation of Study Engagement With an mHealth Intervention (THR1VE) to Treat Diabetes Distress in Teens With Type 1 Diabetes: Randomized Clinical Trial. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2023;6:e47089 View
  77. Wang R, Rouleau G, Booth G, Brazeau A, El-Dassouki N, Taylor M, Cafazzo J, Greenberg M, Nakhla M, Shulman R, Desveaux L. Understanding Whether and How a Digital Health Intervention Improves Transition Care for Emerging Adults Living With Type 1 Diabetes: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Realist Evaluation. JMIR Research Protocols 2023;12:e46115 View
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  87. Zhang W, Wang C, Wang H, Tang J, Zhang H, Zhu J, Zheng X, Luo S, Ding Y. Association between glucose levels of children with type 1 diabetes and parental economic status in mobile health application. World Journal of Diabetes 2024;15(7):1477 View
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  90. Koo D, Moon S, Moon S, Park S, Rhee E, Lee W, Park C. Long-Term Glycemic Control Improvement After the Home and Self-Care Program for Patients With Type 1 Diabetes: Real-World–Based Cohort Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e60023 View
  91. Eaton C, Vallejo N, McDonald X, Wu J, Rodríguez R, Muthusamy N, Mathioudakis N, Riekert K. User Engagement With mHealth Interventions to Promote Treatment Adherence and Self-Management in People With Chronic Health Conditions: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e50508 View
  92. Trnka P, Aldaghi T, Muzik J. Categorization of mHealth Coaching Technologies for Children or Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: Systematic Review. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2024;7:e50370 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Villanueva C. Diabétologie de L'enfant. View
  2. Ofori M, El-Gayar O. Optimizing Health Monitoring Systems With Wireless Technology. View
  3. Chatzakis C, Sotiriadis A, Gerede A, Dinas K, Nicolaides K. Comprehensive Clinical Approach to Diabetes During Pregnancy. View
  4. Chen C, Laffel L. Textbook of Diabetes. View
  5. D’Amico R, Buschur E. Care of Adults with Chronic Childhood Conditions. View