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Published on 16.12.15 in Vol 3, No 4 (2015): Oct-Dec

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Works citing "The Most Popular Smartphone Apps for Weight Loss: A Quality Assessment"

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  1. Zhang L, Nawijn E, Boshuizen H, Ocké M. Evaluation of the Recipe Function in Popular Dietary Smartphone Applications, with Emphasize on Features Relevant for Nutrition Assessment in Large-Scale Studies. Nutrients 2019;11(1):200
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  4. Willcox JC, Dobson R, Whittaker R. Old-Fashioned Technology in the Era of “Bling”: Is There a Future for Text Messaging in Health Care?. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(12):e16630
  5. Griffiths C, Harnack L, Pereira MA. Assessment of the accuracy of nutrient calculations of five popular nutrition tracking applications. Public Health Nutrition 2018;21(8):1495
  6. Wang Y, Wang Y, Greene B, Sun L. An analysis and evaluation of quality and behavioral change techniques among physical activity apps in China. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2020;133:104029
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  11. Villasana MV, Pires IM, Sá J, Garcia NM, Zdravevski E, Chorbev I, Lameski P, Flórez-Revuelta F. Mobile Applications for the Promotion and Support of Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity Habits: A Systematic Review, Extraction of Features and Taxonomy Proposal. The Open Bioinformatics Journal 2019;12(1):50
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  51. . Measuring diet in the 21st century: use of new technologies. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2017;76(3):276
  52. Hood M, Wilson R, Corsica J, Bradley L, Chirinos D, Vivo A. What do we know about mobile applications for diabetes self-management? A review of reviews. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2016;39(6):981
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  54. Huang Z, Lum E, Car J. Medication Management Apps for Diabetes: Systematic Assessment of the Transparency and Reliability of Health Information Dissemination. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2020;8(2):e15364
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  61. Chen J, Berkman W, Bardouh M, Ng CYK, Allman-Farinelli M. The use of a food logging app in the naturalistic setting fails to provide accurate measurements of nutrients and poses usability challenges. Nutrition 2019;57:208
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  66. Maringer M, Wisse-Voorwinden N, Veer PV, Geelen A. Food identification by barcode scanning in the Netherlands: a quality assessment of labelled food product databases underlying popular nutrition applications. Public Health Nutrition 2018;:1
  67. Tavares BF, Pires IM, Marques G, Garcia NM, Zdravevski E, Lameski P, Trajkovik V, Jevremovic A. Mobile Applications for Training Plan Using Android Devices: A Systematic Review and a Taxonomy Proposal. Information 2020;11(7):343
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  103. . Applicability of innovation in clinical nutrition. Nutrición Hospitalaria 2021;
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