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Published on 10.07.17 in Vol 5, No 7 (2017): July

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Works citing "Controlling Your “App”etite: How Diet and Nutrition-Related Mobile Apps Lead to Behavior Change"

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  2. . Research Bites. ACSM'S Health & Fitness Journal 2018;22(5):47
  3. Owens OL, Beer JM, Reyes LI, Thomas TL. Systematic Review of Commercially Available Mobile Phone Applications for Prostate Cancer Education. American Journal of Men's Health 2019;13(1):155798831881691
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  59. An R, Perez-Cruet J, Wang J. We got nuts! use deep neural networks to classify images of common edible nuts. Nutrition and Health 2022;:026010602211139
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  62. . mHealth Research Applied to Regulated and Unregulated Behavioral Health Sciences. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 2020;48(S1):49
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