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Published on 26.01.16 in Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Jan-Mar

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Works citing "MoodHacker Mobile Web App With Email for Adults to Self-Manage Mild-to-Moderate Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial"

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  4. . Teachers’ and health professionals’ attitudes towards adolescent mental health and digital mental health interventions. Advances in Mental Health 2021;19(3):295
  5. Teo CH, Ng CJ, Lo SK, Lim CD, White A. A Mobile Web App to Improve Health Screening Uptake in Men (ScreenMen): Utility and Usability Evaluation Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(4):e10216
  6. van der Meer CAI, Bakker A, van Zuiden M, Lok A, Olff M. Help in hand after traumatic events: a randomized controlled trial in health care professionals on the efficacy, usability, and user satisfaction of a self-help app to reduce trauma-related symptoms. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2020;11(1)
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  8. . Commentary: The Impact of Digital Technology on Psychological Treatments and Their Dissemination. Frontiers in Psychology 2018;9
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