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Published on 23.01.18 in Vol 6, No 1 (2018): January

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Works citing "Prevalence of Health App Use Among Older Adults in Germany: National Survey"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/mhealth.8619):

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  2. Santos P, Oliveira AC, Beirão D, Franclim C, Magalhães M, Couto L, Sá L, Hespanhol A. The Metis project—education for health: a project report. Universal Access in the Information Society 2021;20(2):417
  3. Lupton D, Maslen S. How Women Use Digital Technologies for Health: Qualitative Interview and Focus Group Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019;21(1):e11481
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  46. Klaver NS, van de Klundert J, van den Broek RJGM, Askari M. Relationship Between Perceived Risks of Using mHealth Applications and the Intention to Use Them Among Older Adults in the Netherlands: Cross-sectional Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2021;9(8):e26845
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  49. Suh A, Li M. How the use of mobile fitness technology influences older adults’ physical and psychological well-being. Computers in Human Behavior 2022;131:107205
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  63. Cheng N, Zhao Y, Li X, He X, Wang A. Translation and validation study of the Chinese version of the service user technology acceptability questionnaire. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing 2023;10(6):100239
  64. Xie Z, Or CK. Consumers’ Preferences for Purchasing mHealth Apps: Discrete Choice Experiment. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2023;11:e25908
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  68. Goel A, Taneja U. Mobile health applications for health-care delivery: trends, opportunities, and challenges. Journal of Public Health 2023;
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  3. Schlomann A, Rasche P, Seifert A, Schäfer K, Wille M, Bröhl C, Theis S, Mertens A. Augmented Reality Games II. 2019. Chapter 7:159
  4. Mertens A, Rasche P, Theis S, Seinsch T, Boddin M, Küpper R, Bröhl C, Wille M, Zweck A, Brandl C, Nitsch V, Schäfer K. Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Health, Operations Management, and Design. 2022. Chapter 8:112
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