Published on in Vol 12 (2024)

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Table Correction: A Smartphone Food Record App Developed for the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey: Relative Validity Study

Table Correction: A Smartphone Food Record App Developed for the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey: Relative Validity Study

Table Correction: A Smartphone Food Record App Developed for the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey: Relative Validity Study

Corrigenda and Addenda

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, Netherlands

*these authors contributed equally

Corresponding Author:

Ceciel Simone Dinnissen, MSc

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment

Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9

Bilthoven, 3721 MA


Phone: 31 088 689 8989


In “A Smartphone Food Record App Developed for the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey: Relative Validity Study” (JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2024;12:e50196) the authors noted the following errors in Tables 2 and 5:

Due to an unintended line alignment issue, all values in the DitEetIk! app food record and GloboDiet 24-hour dietary recall (g/d) columns of Table 2 were incorrect for the following rows: Meat, Eggs, Nuts, Milk (products), Cheese, Bread, Cereal products, Potatoes, Drinks, Sandwich spreads, Snacks, Sauces, and Other.

Table 2 has been corrected as follows:

Table 2. The mean, SD, median, and IQR of consumption of food groupsa as assessed using the DitEetIk! app and 24-hour dietary recalls for the same day and their correlation for the 211 participants with plausible energy intakes.
Food groupDitEetIk! app food record (g/d)GloboDiet 24-hour dietary recall (g/d)Wilcoxon signed rank test P valuebSpearman correlation coefficient
 Values, mean (SD)Values, median (IQR)Values, mean (SD)Values, median (IQR)  
Vegetables163 (200)117 (31-226)160 (144)130 (50-240).130.76
Fruit128 (186)83 (0-188)140 (146)130 (0-217).0050.79
Added fats16 (16)12 (3-24)19 (15)17 (6-29).0010.54
Meat103 (112)73 (23-135)92 (83)75 (33-120).100.70
Eggs17 (37)0 (0-0)17 (34)0 (0-13).440.76
Nuts15 (30)0 (0-20)15 (30)0 (0-20).730.84
Milk (products)264 (263)219 (16-391)288 (248)252 (80-423).020.80
Cheese33 (36)30 (0-56)39 (44)31 (0-62).0060.76
Bread146 (113)126 (70-199)138 (88)132 (70-180).950.85
Cereal products67 (133)6 (0-88)74 (106)20 (0-119).010.80
Potatoes72 (119)0 (0-128)66 (104)0 (0-120).960.88
Drinks1888 (956)1836 (1275-2311)2097 (889)1963 (1582-2539)<.0010.68
Sandwich spreads15 (27)0 (0-20)12 (23)0 (0-15).050.88
Snacks91 (119)52 (15-118)83 (89)56 (14-126).410.88
Sauces21 (37)2 (0-26)33 (38)22 (0-57)<.0010.60
Other13 (52)0 (0-10)5 (12)0 (0-5)<.0010.50

aFood groups are Wheel of Five food groups—main groups [23]. The food groups Fish, Legumes, and Soups were excluded as the 75th percentile was 0 for both methods. Table 3 provides more information on these food groups.

bWilcoxon signed rank test (normal approximation) of the differences between intake assessed using the DitEetIk! app and the GloboDiet 24-hour dietary recalls for the same day.

Similarly, due to an unintended line alignment issue, all values in the DitEetIk! app evaluation study (g/d) and DNFCS 2019-2021 (g/d) columns of Table 5 were incorrect for the following rows: Meat, Eggs, Nuts, Milk and milk products, Cheese, Bread, Cereal products, Potatoes, Drinks, Sandwich spreads, Soups, Snacks, Sauces, and Other.

Table 5 has been corrected as follows:

Table 5. Comparison of consumption of food groups assessed using the GloboDiet 24-hour dietary recalls in the DitEetIk! app evaluation study and the first interview in the Dutch National Food Consumption Survey (DNFCS) 2019 to 2021 for a matched group of participants (n=211).
Food groupaDitEetIk! app evaluation study (g/d)DNFCS 2019-2021 (g/d)P valueb
 Values, mean (SD)Values, median (IQR)Values, mean (SD)Values, median (IQR) 
Vegetables160 (144)130 (50-240)155 (140)125 (53-217)>.99
Fruit140 (146)130 (0-217)124 (135)108 (0-195).51
Added fats19 (15)17 (6-29)22 (20)18 (8-32).006
Fish17 (57)0 (0-0)15 (44)0 (0-0).91
Legumes4 (20)0 (0-0)8 (36)0 (0-0).09
Meat92 (83)75 (33-120)88 (80)77 (29-116).76
Eggs17 (34)0 (0-13)16 (32)0 (0-13).85
Nuts15 (30)0 (0-20)19 (45)0 (0-22).24
Milk and milk products288 (248)252 (80-423)332 (267)282 (150-484).03
Cheese39 (44)31 (0-62)38 (39)30 (0-62).85
Bread138 (88)132 (70-180)117 (80)105 (60-169).03
Cereal products74 (106)20 (0-119)79 (108)30 (0-122).57
Potatoes66 (104)0 (0-120)69 (93)0 (0-140).26
Drinks2097 (889)1963 (1582-2539)2132 (914)1958 (1468-2608).63
Sandwich spreads12 (23)0 (0-15)18 (29)0 (0-23).03
Soups12 (46)0 (0-0)17 (66)0 (0-0).57
Snacks83 (89)56 (14-126)71 (79)41 (10-114).24
Sauces33 (38)22 (0-57)29 (44)11 (0-36).14
Other5 (12)0 (0-5)6 (16)0 (0-5).75

aFood groups are Wheel of Five food groups [23].

bWilcoxon signed rank test (normal approximation) of the differences between intake assessed using GloboDiet 24-hour dietary recalls in the DitEetIk! app evaluation study and the first interview with adults in the DNFCS 2019 to 2021.

The correction will appear in the online version of the paper on the JMIR Publications website on April 26, 2024, together with the publication of this correction notice. Because this was made after submission to PubMed, PubMed Central, and other full-text repositories, the corrected article has also been resubmitted to those repositories.

This is a non–peer-reviewed article. submitted 15.04.24; accepted 19.04.24; published 26.04.24.


©Marga Ocké, Ceciel Simone Dinnissen, Coline van den Bogaard, Marja Beukers, José Drijvers, Eline Sanderman-Nawijn, Caroline van Rossum, Ido Toxopeus. Originally published in JMIR mHealth and uHealth (, 26.04.2024.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR mHealth and uHealth, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.