Challenges in the Implementation of a Mobile Application in Clinical Practice: Case Study in the Context of
an Application that Manages the Daily Interventions of Nurses

Challenges in the Implementation of a Mobile Application in Clinical Practice: Case Study in the Context of an Application that Manages the Daily Interventions of Nurses

Challenges in the Implementation of a Mobile Application in Clinical Practice: Case Study in the Context of an Application that Manages the Daily Interventions of Nurses

Frederic Ehrler   1 , PhD ;   Rolf Wipfli   1 , PhD(Psych) ;   Douglas Teodoro   1, 2 , PhD ;   Everlyne Sarrey   3 , RN ;   Magali Walesa   1, 2 ;   Christian Lovis   1, 2 , MD, MPH

1 Division of Medical Information Sciences, University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

2 Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

3 Direction of Nursing, University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Corresponding Author:

  • Frederic Ehrler, PhD
  • Division of Medical Information Sciences
  • University Hospitals of Geneva
  • Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
  • Geneva, 1232
  • Switzerland
  • Phone: 41 (0) 22 372-8697
  • Fax: 41 (0) 22 372-6255
  • Email: