Published on in Vol 2, No 4 (2014): Oct-Dec

SMARTHealth India: Development and Field Evaluation of a Mobile Clinical Decision Support System for Cardiovascular Diseases in Rural India

SMARTHealth India: Development and Field Evaluation of a Mobile Clinical Decision Support System for Cardiovascular Diseases in Rural India

SMARTHealth India: Development and Field Evaluation of a Mobile Clinical Decision Support System for Cardiovascular Diseases in Rural India


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  14. Dodd R, Palagyi A, Jan S, Abdel-All M, Nambiar D, Madhira P, Balane C, Tian M, Joshi R, Abimbola S, Peiris D. Organisation of primary health care systems in low- and middle-income countries: review of evidence on what works and why in the Asia-Pacific region. BMJ Global Health 2019;4(Suppl 8):e001487 View
  15. Odendaal W, Anstey Watkins J, Leon N, Goudge J, Griffiths F, Tomlinson M, Daniels K. Health workers’ perceptions and experiences of using mHealth technologies to deliver primary healthcare services: a qualitative evidence synthesis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020 View
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  17. Vedanthan R, Bernabe-Ortiz A, Herasme O, Joshi R, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Thrift A, Webster J, Webster R, Yeates K, Gyamfi J, Ieremia M, Johnson C, Kamano J, Lazo-Porras M, Limbani F, Liu P, McCready T, Miranda J, Mohan S, Ogedegbe O, Oldenburg B, Ovbiagele B, Owolabi M, Peiris D, Ponce-Lucero V, Praveen D, Pillay A, Schwalm J, Tobe S, Trieu K, Yusoff K, Fuster V. Innovative Approaches to Hypertension Control in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Cardiology Clinics 2017;35(1):99 View
  18. Nagraj S, Hinton L, Praveen D, Kennedy S, Norton R, Hirst J. Women's and healthcare providers’ perceptions of long‐term complications associated with hypertension and diabetes in pregnancy: a qualitative study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2019;126(S4):34 View
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  23. Amoakoh H, Klipstein-Grobusch K, Agyepong I, Zuithoff N, Amoakoh-Coleman M, Kayode G, Sarpong C, Reitsma J, Grobbee D, Ansah E. The effect of an mHealth clinical decision-making support system on neonatal mortality in a low resource setting: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. EClinicalMedicine 2019;12:31 View
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  26. Hirst J, Nagraj S, Henry A, Mackillop L, Norton R, Kennedy S. The obstetrician's role in preventing cardiometabolic disease. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2019;21(4):247 View
  27. Bassi A, John O, Praveen D, Maulik P, Panda R, Jha V. Current Status and Future Directions of mHealth Interventions for Health System Strengthening in India: Systematic Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2018;6(10):e11440 View
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  29. Ved R, Scott K, Gupta G, Ummer O, Singh S, Srivastava A, George A. How are gender inequalities facing India’s one million ASHAs being addressed? Policy origins and adaptations for the world’s largest all-female community health worker programme. Human Resources for Health 2019;17(1) View
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  36. Abdel-All M, Thrift A, Riddell M, Thankappan K, Mini G, Chow C, Maulik P, Mahal A, Guggilla R, Kalyanram K, Kartik K, Suresh O, Evans R, Oldenburg B, Thomas N, Joshi R. Evaluation of a training program of hypertension for accredited social health activists (ASHA) in rural India. BMC Health Services Research 2018;18(1) View
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  40. Peiris D, Praveen D, Mogulluru K, Ameer M, Raghu A, Li Q, Heritier S, MacMahon S, Prabhakaran D, Clifford G, Joshi R, Maulik P, Jan S, Tarassenko L, Patel A, Liu G. SMARThealth India: A stepped-wedge, cluster randomised controlled trial of a community health worker managed mobile health intervention for people assessed at high cardiovascular disease risk in rural India. PLOS ONE 2019;14(3):e0213708 View
  41. Patel A, Praveen D, Maharani A, Oceandy D, Pilard Q, Kohli M, Sujarwoto S, Tampubolon G. Association of Multifaceted Mobile Technology–Enabled Primary Care Intervention With Cardiovascular Disease Risk Management in Rural Indonesia. JAMA Cardiology 2019;4(10):978 View
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  48. Usmanova G, Gresh A, Cohen M, Kim Y, Srivastava A, Joshi C, Bhatt D, Haws R, Wadhwa R, Sridhar P, Bahl N, Gaikwad P, Anderson J. Acceptability and Barriers to Use of the ASMAN Provider-Facing Electronic Platform for Peripartum Care in Public Facilities in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, India: A Qualitative Study Using the Technology Acceptance Model-3. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;17(22):8333 View
  49. Usmanova G, Lalchandani K, Srivastava A, Joshi C, Bhatt D, Bairagi A, Jain Y, Afzal M, Dhoundiyal R, Benawri J, Chaudhary T, Mishra A, Wadhwa R, Sridhar P, Bahl N, Gaikwad P, Sood B. The role of digital clinical decision support tool in improving quality of intrapartum and postpartum care: experiences from two states of India. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2021;21(1) View
  50. Nagraj S, Kennedy S, Jha V, Norton R, Hinton L, Billot L, Rajan E, Arora V, Praveen D, Hirst J. SMARThealth Pregnancy: Feasibility and Acceptability of a Complex Intervention for High-Risk Pregnant Women in Rural India: Protocol for a Pilot Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Global Women's Health 2021;2 View
  51. Schierhout G, Praveen D, Patel B, Li Q, Mogulluru K, Ameer M, Patel A, Clifford G, Joshi R, Heritier S, Maulik P, Peiris D. Why do strategies to strengthen primary health care succeed in some places and fail in others? Exploring local variation in the effectiveness of a community health worker managed digital health intervention in rural India. BMJ Global Health 2021;6(Suppl 5):e005003 View
  52. Deo S, Singh P. Community health worker-led, technology-enabled private sector intervention for diabetes and hypertension management among urban poor: a retrospective cohort study from large Indian metropolitan city. BMJ Open 2021;11(8):e045246 View
  53. Gupta A, Agrawal R, Gupt A, Guleri R, Bajpayee D, Joshi N, Sarin E, Gupta S, Kumar H. Systems E-approach for women at risk (SEWA)—A digital health solution for detection of high-risk pregnancies. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2021;10(10):3712 View
  54. Jahan F, Foote E, Rahman M, Shoab A, Parvez S, Nasim M, Hasan R, El Arifeen S, Billah S, Sarker S, Hoque M, Shahidullah M, Islam M, Ashrafee S, Darmstadt G. Evaluation of community health worker's performance at home-based newborn assessment supported by mHealth in rural Bangladesh. BMC Pediatrics 2022;22(1) View
  55. Gadsden T, Patel A, Praveen D, Palagyi A. Transfer or tailor? Implementing a technology‐supported intervention for noncommunicable diseases across contexts. Health Care Science 2023;2(1):75 View
  56. Jefferson K, Ward M, Pang W, Arcand J. A feasibility study of a randomized controlled trial protocol to assess the impact of an eHealth intervention on the provision of dietary advice in primary care. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2022;8(1) View
  57. Bassi A, Arfin S, John O, Praveen D, Arora V, Kalra O, Madhu S, Jha V. Innovative mobile-health led participatory approach to comprehensive screening and treatment of diabetes (IMPACT diabetes): rationale, design, and baseline characteristics. International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries 2023;43(3):353 View
  58. Joshi R, Behera D, Di Tanna G, Ameer M, Yakubu K, Praveen D. Integrated Management of Diabetes and Tuberculosis in Rural India – Results From a Pilot Study. Frontiers in Public Health 2022;10 View
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  60. Ajisegiri W, Abimbola S, Tesema A, Odusanya O, Peiris D, Joshi R. “We just have to help”: Community health workers' informal task-shifting and task-sharing practices for hypertension and diabetes care in Nigeria. Frontiers in Public Health 2023;11 View
  61. Shukla P, Vashist P, Senjam S, Gupta V, Gupta N. A study to assess the knowledge and skills of Accredited Social Health Activists and its retention after training in community-based primary eye care. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 2022;70(1):36 View
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  67. Ajisegiri W, Abimbola S, Tesema A, Odusanya O, Peiris D, Joshi R, Shivashankar R. The organisation of primary health care service delivery for non-communicable diseases in Nigeria: A case-study analysis. PLOS Global Public Health 2022;2(7):e0000566 View
  68. He X, Peng C, Xu Y, Zhang Y, Wang Z. Global Scientific Research Landscape on Medical Informatics From 2011 to 2020: Bibliometric Analysis. JMIR Medical Informatics 2022;10(4):e33842 View
  69. Chen W, O’Bryan C, Gorham G, Howard K, Balasubramanya B, Coffey P, Abeyaratne A, Cass A. Barriers and enablers to implementing and using clinical decision support systems for chronic diseases: a qualitative systematic review and meta-aggregation. Implementation Science Communications 2022;3(1) View
  70. Kalyesubula R, Conroy A, Calice-Silva V, Kumar V, Onu U, Batte A, Kaze F, Fabian J, Ulasi I. Screening for Kidney Disease in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Seminars in Nephrology 2022;42(5):151315 View
  71. Thomas V, Kalidindi B, Waghmare A, Bhatia A, Raj T, Balsari S. The Vinyasa Tool for mHealth Solutions: Supporting Human-Centered Design in Nascent Digital Health Ecosystems. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e45250 View
  72. Bogale T, Teklehaimanot S, Fufa Debela T, Enyew D, Nigusse Bedada A, Dufera Kebebew S, Nigusie Weldeab A, Wolde Daka D, Willems H, Bekele T. Barriers, facilitators and motivators of electronic community health information system use among health workers in Ethiopia. Frontiers in Digital Health 2023;5 View
  73. Joshi V, Joshi N, Bhardwaj P, Singh K, Ojha D, Jain Y. The Health Impact of mHealth Interventions in India: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics 2023;15:e50927 View
  74. Nagraj S, Kennedy S, Jha V, Norton R, Hinton L, Billot L, Rajan E, Mohammed Abdul A, Phalswal A, Arora V, Praveen D, Hirst J. A Mobile Clinical Decision Support System for High-Risk Pregnant Women in Rural India (SMARThealth Pregnancy): Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e44362 View
  75. Hirst J, Votruba N, Billot L, Arora V, Rajan E, Thout S, Peiris D, Patel A, Norton R, Mullins E, Sharma A, Kennedy S, Jha V, Praveen D. A community-based intervention to improve screening, referral and follow-up of non-communicable diseases and anaemia amongst pregnant and postpartum women in rural India: study protocol for a cluster randomised trial. Trials 2023;24(1) View
  76. Saif‐Ur‐Rahman K, Islam M, Alaboson J, Ola O, Hasan I, Islam N, Mainali S, Martina T, Silenga E, Muyangana M, Joarder T. Artificial intelligence and digital health in improving primary health care service delivery in LMICs: A systematic review. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine 2023;16(3):303 View
  77. Wiwatkunupakarn N, Aramrat C, Pliannuom S, Buawangpong N, Pinyopornpanish K, Nantsupawat N, Mallinson P, Kinra S, Angkurawaranon C. The Integration of Clinical Decision Support Systems Into Telemedicine for Patients With Multimorbidity in Primary Care Settings: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e45944 View
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  81. Sarin E, Dastidar S, Bisht N, Bajpayee D, Patel R, Sodha T, Bhandari A, Mohanty J, Dey S, Chandra S, Agrawal R, Saboth P, Kumar H. Safe Delivery application with facilitation increases knowledge and confidence of obstetric and neonatal care among frontline health workers in India. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2022;11(6):2695 View
  82. Moosan H, Sharma A, Thakor M, Panigrahi A, Dhikav V, Yadav S, Huda R, Parmar M, Singh P, Mohanty S, John D. Implementation Research on Cardiovascular Diseases in India: A Systematic Review. Indian Journal of Public Health 2024;68(3):418 View
  83. Safo K, Opoku D, Bonney R, Serchim C, Mensah K. Potential effects of Whatsapp on maternal health services uptake during COVID-19: a cross-sectional study in Ghana. BMC Health Services Research 2025;25(1) View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Martin-Sanchez F, Aguiar-Pulido V. Global Health Informatics. View
  2. Kumar V, Jha V. Chronic Kidney Disease in Disadvantaged Populations. View
  3. Nilsen P. Implementation Science 3.0. View
  4. Rohina Joshi K, Hersch F, Weber M, McGuire H, Patel A. Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 5): Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Related Disorders. View
  5. Rajapuri A, Ravindran R, Horan K, Bucher S, Purkayastha S. Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare and Medical Devices. View
  6. Seneviratne M, Peiris D. Revolutionizing Tropical Medicine. View
  7. Bassin P, Parasa N, Srinivasa S, Mandyam S. Big-Data-Analytics in Astronomy, Science, and Engineering. View