Published on in Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Jan-Mar

Behavioral Functionality of Mobile Apps in Health Interventions: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Behavioral Functionality of Mobile Apps in Health Interventions: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Behavioral Functionality of Mobile Apps in Health Interventions: A Systematic Review of the Literature


  1. Volkova E, Michie J, Corrigan C, Sundborn G, Eyles H, Jiang Y, Mhurchu C. Effectiveness of recruitment to a smartphone-delivered nutrition intervention in New Zealand: analysis of a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2017;7(6):e016198 View
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  3. Badawy S, Cronin R, Hankins J, Crosby L, DeBaun M, Thompson A, Shah N. Patient-Centered eHealth Interventions for Children, Adolescents, and Adults With Sickle Cell Disease: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(7):e10940 View
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  26. Schoeppe S, Alley S, Van Lippevelde W, Bray N, Williams S, Duncan M, Vandelanotte C. Efficacy of interventions that use apps to improve diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviour: a systematic review. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2016;13(1) View
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  38. Guo Y, Bian J, Leavitt T, Vincent H, Vander Zalm L, Teurlings T, Smith M, Modave F. Assessing the Quality of Mobile Exercise Apps Based on the American College of Sports Medicine Guidelines: A Reliable and Valid Scoring Instrument. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017;19(3):e67 View
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  43. Weber S, Lorenz C, Hemmings N. Improving Stress and Positive Mental Health at Work via an App-Based Intervention: A Large-Scale Multi-Center Randomized Control Trial. Frontiers in Psychology 2019;10 View
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  242. Tu Y, Chang Y, Chiou H, Lai K. The Effects of Continuous Usage of a Diabetes Management App on Glycemic Control in Real-world Clinical Practice: Retrospective Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(7):e23227 View
  243. Domin A, Spruijt-Metz D, Theisen D, Ouzzahra Y, Vögele C. Smartphone-Based Interventions for Physical Activity Promotion: Scoping Review of the Evidence Over the Last 10 Years. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2021;9(7):e24308 View
  244. Lucassen D, Lasschuijt M, Camps G, Van Loo E, Fischer A, de Vries R, Haarman J, Simons M, de Vet E, Bos-de Vos M, Pan S, Ren X, de Graaf K, Lu Y, Feskens E, Brouwer-Brolsma E. Short and Long-Term Innovations on Dietary Behavior Assessment and Coaching: Present Efforts and Vision of the Pride and Prejudice Consortium. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(15):7877 View
  245. Hoevenaars D, Holla J, te Loo L, Koedijker J, Dankers S, Houdijk H, Visser B, Janssen T, de Groot S, Deutekom M. Mobile App (WHEELS) to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle in Wheelchair Users With Spinal Cord Injury or Lower Limb Amputation: Usability and Feasibility Study. JMIR Formative Research 2021;5(8):e24909 View
  246. Siddiqua A, Kabir M, Ferdous T, Ali I, Weston L. Evaluating Plant Disease Detection Mobile Applications: Quality and Limitations. Agronomy 2022;12(8):1869 View
  247. Mao C, Bayer J, Ross M, Rhee L, Le H, Mount J, Chang H, Chang Y, Hedstrom A, Hovick S. Perceived vs. observed mHealth behavior: A naturalistic investigation of tracking apps and daily movement. Mobile Media & Communication 2023;11(3):526 View
  248. Ab Mumin N, Yusof Z, Marhazlinda J, Obaidellah U. Adolescents’ opinions on the use of a smartphone application as an oral health education tool: A qualitative study. DIGITAL HEALTH 2022;8:205520762211141 View
  249. Agher D, Sedki K, Despres S, Albinet J, Jaulent M, Tsopra R. Encouraging Behavior Changes and Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases Using the Prevent Connect Mobile Health App: Conception and Evaluation of App Quality. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(1):e25384 View
  250. Kalgotra P, Raja U, Sharda R. Growth in the development of health and fitness mobile apps amid COVID-19 pandemic. DIGITAL HEALTH 2022;8:205520762211290 View
  251. Buono F, Gleed C, Boldin M, Aviles A, Wheeler N. Preliminary Effectiveness of a Remotely Monitored Blood Alcohol Concentration Device as Treatment Modality: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2022;11(1):e30186 View
  252. Knoetze M, Mahomed-Asmail F, Manchaiah V, Swanepoel D. Sound-level Monitoring Earphones With Smartphone Feedback as an Intervention to Promote Healthy Listening Behaviors in Young Adults. Ear & Hearing 2021;42(5):1173 View
  253. Canfield S, Canada K. Systematic Review of Online Interventions to Reduce Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Underserved Populations. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing 2023;37(1):14 View
  254. Petrenko C, Kautz-Turnbull C, Roth A, Parr J, Tapparello C, Demir U, Olson H. Initial Feasibility of the “Families Moving Forward Connect” Mobile Health Intervention for Caregivers of Children With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Mixed Method Evaluation Within a Systematic User-Centered Design Approach. JMIR Formative Research 2021;5(12):e29687 View
  255. Rao N, Perdomo S, Jonassaint C. A Novel Method for Digital Pain Assessment Using Abstract Animations: Human-Centered Design Approach. JMIR Human Factors 2022;9(1):e27689 View
  256. Torres-Toukoumidis A, León D, De-Santis A, López-López P. Gamification in Ecology-Oriented Mobile Applications—Typologies and Purposes. Societies 2022;12(2):42 View
  257. Dufour S, Clancy A, Wu M. Technical Update No. 433: eHealth Solutions for Urinary Incontinence Among Women. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 2023;45(2):150 View
  258. Sinha C, Cheng A, Kadaba M. Adherence and Engagement With a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy–Based Conversational Agent (Wysa for Chronic Pain) Among Adults With Chronic Pain: Survival Analysis. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(5):e37302 View
  259. Gonzalez-Fimbres R. Diferencias de género en uso de aplicaciones móviles de ejercicio en alumnos de Entrenamiento Deportivo. Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio FOD 2022;17(1) View
  260. Harrison L, Webster S, Van Orden A, Choate E, Jehl N, Stinson J, Wicksell R, Darnall B, Simons L. Agile development of a digital exposure treatment for youth with chronic musculoskeletal pain: protocol of a user-centred design approach and examination of feasibility and preliminary efficacy. BMJ Open 2022;12(9):e065997 View
  261. Nyström C, Sandin S, Henriksson P, Henriksson H, Trolle-Lagerros Y, Larsson C, Maddison R, Ortega F, Pomeroy J, Ruiz J, Silfvernagel K, Timpka T, Löf M. Mobile-based intervention intended to stop obesity in preschool-aged children: the MINISTOP randomized controlled trial ,. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2017;105(6):1327 View
  262. Halttu K, Oinas-Kukkonen H. Need for Cognition Among Users of Self-Monitoring Systems for Physical Activity: Survey Study. JMIR Formative Research 2021;5(10):e23968 View
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  264. Barzegari S, Sharifi Kia A, Bardus M, Stoyanov S, GhaziSaeedi M, Rafizadeh M. The Persian Version of the Mobile Application Rating Scale (MARS-Fa): Translation and Validation Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(12):e42225 View
  265. Mbada C, Oluwatobi S, Awosika H, Esan O, Oke K, Makinde M, Oyewole O, Oyewole A, Christiana O, Fatoye F. Development and feasibility testing of a smartphone video-based exercise program for patients with knee osteoarthritis. Digital Medicine 2022;8:9 View
  266. Khare M, Zimmermann K, Lyons R, Locklin C, Gerber B. Feasibility of promoting physical activity using mHEALTH technology in rural women: the step-2-it study. BMC Women's Health 2021;21(1) View
  267. Rohani D, Springer A, Hollis V, Bardram J, Whittaker S. Recommending Activities for Mental Health and Well-Being: Insights From Two User Studies. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 2021;9(3):1183 View
  268. Lenel F, Priebe J, Satriawan E, Syamsulhakim E. Can mHealth campaigns improve CCT outcomes? Experimental evidence from sms-nudges in Indonesia. Journal of Health Economics 2022;86:102687 View
  269. Chettri S, Wang V, Balkin E, Rayo M, Lee C. Development of a Mobile App for Clinical Research: Challenges and Implications for Investigators. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2022;10(4):e32244 View
  270. Parker S, Barr M, Stocks N, Denney-Wilson E, Zwar N, Karnon J, Kabir A, Nutbeam D, Roseleur J, Liaw S, McNamara C, Frank O, Tran A, Osborne R, Lau A, Harris M. Preventing chronic disease in overweight and obese patients with low health literacy using eHealth and teamwork in primary healthcare (HeLP-GP): a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open 2022;12(11):e060393 View
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  273. Mat Said Z, Musa K, Tengku Ismail T, Abdul Hamid A, Sahathevan R, Abdul Aziz Z, Feigin V. The Effectiveness of Stroke Riskometer™ in Improving Stroke Risk Awareness in Malaysia: A Study Protocol of a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Neuroepidemiology 2021;55(6):436 View
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  276. Weishaupt I, Mages-Torluoglu J, Kunze C, Weidmann C, Steinhausen K, Bailer A. Mobile Digital Health Intervention to Promote Nutrition and Physical Activity Behaviors Among Long-term Unemployed in Rural Areas: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2022;11(11):e40321 View
  277. Valcarce-Torrente M, Javaloyes V, Gallardo L, García-Fernández J, Planas-Anzano A. Influence of Fitness Apps on Sports Habits, Satisfaction, and Intentions to Stay in Fitness Center Users: An Experimental Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(19):10393 View
  278. Alonso-Fernández D, Gutiérrez-Sánchez Á, Portela-Pino I, Taboada-Iglesias Y. Evaluation of Applications for Mobile Devices on the Practice of Physical Exercise in Adolescents. Applied Sciences 2022;12(6):2784 View
  279. Bellesi G, Morris R. Using smartphone apps for neuropsychological rehabilitationand the creation of an ‘apps’ hub. The Neuropsychologist 2018;1(6):31 View
  280. Bolou A, Lanz D, Drymoussi Z, Gonzalez Carreras F, Austin F, Dodds J, Mehay A, Pizzo E, Thomas A, Heighway J, Sanghi A, Harden A, Pérez T, Pardo Llorente M, Hitman G, Huda M, Thangaratinam S. Acceptability and adherence to a Mediterranean diet in the postnatal period to prevent type 2 diabetes in women with gestational diabetes in the UK: a protocol for a single-arm feasibility study (MERIT). BMJ Open 2021;11(12):e050099 View
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  284. Martínez-Olcina M, Cuestas-Calero B, Miralles-Amorós L, Vicente-Martínez M, Sánchez-Sánchez J. Effectiveness of App-Based Intervention to Improve Health Status of Sedentary Middle-Aged Males and Females. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(10):5857 View
  285. Kruglova K, O'Connell S, Dawadi S, Gelgoot E, Miner S, Robins S, Schinazi J, Zelkowitz P. An mHealth App to Support Fertility Patients Navigating the World of Infertility (Infotility): Development and Usability Study. JMIR Formative Research 2021;5(10):e28136 View
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  292. Martínez-García G, Ewing A, Olugbade Y, DiClemente R, Kourtis A. Crush: A Randomized Trial to Evaluate the Impact of a Mobile Health App on Adolescent Sexual Health. Journal of Adolescent Health 2023;72(2):287 View
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  295. Martin E, Di Meglio A, Menvielle G, Arvis J, Bourmaud A, Michiels S, Pistilli B, Vaz-Luis I, Dumas A. Informing the development of multidisciplinary interventions to help breast cancer patients return to work: a qualitative study. Supportive Care in Cancer 2022;30(10):8287 View
  296. Yuan N, Brooks A, Burke M, Crocker R, Stoner G, Cook P, Chen M, Bautista J, Petralba P, Whitewater S, Maizes V. My Wellness Coach: evaluation of a mobile app designed to promote integrative health among underserved populations. Translational Behavioral Medicine 2022;12(6):752 View
  297. Dufour S, Clancy A, Wu M. Mise à jour technique No 433 : Cybersanté et incontinence urinaire chez la femme. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 2023;45(2):160 View
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  299. Esfandiari E, Miller W, King S, Payne M, Mortenson W, Underwood H, MacKay C, Ashe M, Blasco J. Protocol for a randomized controlled trial to assess the effect of Self-Management for Amputee Rehabilitation using Technology (SMART): An online self-management program for individuals with lower limb loss. PLOS ONE 2023;18(3):e0278418 View
  300. Nelson L, Reale C, Anders S, Beebe R, Rosenbloom S, Hackstadt A, Harper K, Mayberry L, Cobb J, Peterson N, Elasy T, Yu Z, Martinez W. Empowering patients to address diabetes care gaps: formative usability testing of a novel patient portal intervention. JAMIA Open 2023;6(2) View
  301. Schneider A, Arnold R. Wearables from Head to Toe: Are They Friend or Foe? An Empirical Landscaping of Health and Fitness Wearables and Apps in Six Countries to Identify Emerging Policy Challenges. SSRN Electronic Journal 2022 View
  302. Sadeghi A, Pape S, Harborth D. The Impact of Individuals’ Social Environments on Contact Tracing App Use: Survey Study. JMIR Human Factors 2023;10:e45825 View
  303. Stamm-Balderjahn S, Bernert S, Rossek S. Promoting patient self-management following cardiac rehabilitation using a web-based application: A pilot study. DIGITAL HEALTH 2023;9 View
  304. Galetsi P, Katsaliaki K, Kumar S. Assessing Technology Innovation of Mobile Health Apps for Medical Care Providers. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 2023;70(8):2809 View
  305. Walsh C, Good J, Ismaiel A, Yarborough S, Shen M. Development and refinement of a novel end-of-life planning website for patients with advanced cancer: a mixed methods approach. Supportive Care in Cancer 2023;31(12) View
  306. Lin X, Martinengo L, Jabir A, Ho A, Car J, Atun R, Tudor Car L. Scope, Characteristics, Behavior Change Techniques, and Quality of Conversational Agents for Mental Health and Well-Being: Systematic Assessment of Apps. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e45984 View
  307. Kim H, Lee J. mHealth Interventions to Promote Physical Activity of Adults in Korea: Health Equity-Focused Systematic Review. Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics 2023;48(Suppl 1):S1 View
  308. Buono F, Polonsky M, Sprong M, Aviles A, Cutter C. Feasibility of a remotely monitored blood alcohol concentration device to facilitate treatment motivation. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports 2023;9:100202 View
  309. Waldman L, Centracchio J, Jacobs J, Petrillo L, El-Jawahri A, Temel J, Greer J. Study protocol for a randomized trial of a supportive care mobile application to improve symptoms, coping, and quality of life in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Frontiers in Psychology 2023;14 View
  310. Hwang S, Na W, Oh D, Sohn C. Development and Evaluation of a Web-Based Self-Management Program for Korean Adult Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome Based on the Information–Motivation–Behavioral Skills Model. Applied Sciences 2023;13(12):6915 View
  311. Yoo I, Kong H, Joo H, Choi Y, Kim S, Lee K, Hong J. User Experience of Augmented Reality Glasses-based Tele-Exercise in Elderly Women. Healthcare Informatics Research 2023;29(2):161 View
  312. Boghrati R, Sharif M, Yousefi S, Heydarian A. Emotion tracking (vs. reporting) increases the persistence of positive (vs. negative) emotions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 2024;110:104556 View
  313. Goodman A, Mahoney R, Spurling G, Lawler S. Influencing Factors to mHealth Uptake With Indigenous Populations: Qualitative Systematic Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2023;11:e45162 View
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  319. Sañudo B, Sanchez-Trigo H, Domínguez R, Flores-Aguilar G, Sánchez-Oliver A, Moral J, Oviedo-Caro M. A randomized controlled mHealth trial that evaluates social comparison-oriented gamification to improve physical activity, sleep quantity, and quality of life in young adults. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 2024;72:102590 View
  320. Nabunya P, Cavazos-Rehg P, Mugisha J, Kasson E, Namuyaba O, Najjuuko C, Nsubuga E, Filiatreau L, Mwebembezi A, Ssewamala F. An mHealth Intervention to Address Depression and Improve Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Among Youths Living With HIV in Uganda: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2024;13:e54635 View
  321. Niiberg-Pikksööt T, Laas K, Aluoja A, Braschinsky M, Ayatollahi H. Implementing a digital solution for patients with migraine—Developing a methodology for comparing digitally delivered treatment with conventional treatment: A study protocol. PLOS Digital Health 2024;3(2):e0000295 View
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  325. Faizah A, Hardian A, Nandini R, Handayani P, Harahap N. The Influence of Incentive-Based Mobile Fitness Apps on Users’ Continuance Intention With Gender Moderation Effects: Quantitative and Qualitative Study. JMIR Human Factors 2024;11:e50957 View
  326. Amonoo H, Newcomb R, Lorenz K, Psenka R, Holmbeck K, Farnam E, Tse A, Desai S, Vassev N, Waldman L, El-Jawahri A. A novel psychosocial virtual reality intervention (BMT-VR) for patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Pilot randomized clinical trial design and methods. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2024;142:107550 View
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  329. Magnuson K, Li K, Beuley G, Ryan-Pettes S. The Use of Non-Commercial Parent-Focused mHealth Interventions for Youth Behavior Problems: A Systematic Review (Preprint). JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2023 View
  330. Banerjee S, Kha R, Rivera D, Hekler E. Predicting goal attainment in process-oriented behavioral interventions using a data-driven system identification approach. Journal of Process Control 2024;139:103242 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Pereira A, Esteves M, Weber A, Francisco M. Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning. View
  2. Herrington H, Araujo P, Doerfler B. Creating a Lifestyle Medicine Center. View
  3. McMickens C, Landers A. Pediatric Mental Health for Primary Care Providers. View
  4. Mecili O, Hadj B, Nouioua F, Akhrouf S, Malek R. Internet of Things, Infrastructures and Mobile Applications. View
  5. Farmer A, Pal K. Diabetes Epidemiology, Genetics, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment. View
  6. Mollee J, Klein M. Advances in Artificial Intelligence: From Theory to Practice. View
  7. Rossmann C, Krömer N. eHealth in Deutschland. View
  8. Levin-Zamir D, Parial L. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. View
  9. Farmer A, Pal K. Diabetes. Epidemiology, Genetics, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment. View
  10. Adewumi A, Olatunde G, Misra S, Maskeliūnas R, Damaševičius R. Information Technology Science. View
  11. Kim K, Jalil S, Ngo V. Consumer Informatics and Digital Health. View
  12. Martinez-Martin N. Ethical Dimensions of Commercial and DIY Neurotechnologies. View
  13. Blankers M, Salemink E, Wiers R. e-Mental Health. View
  14. Bamidis P, Gabarron E, Hors-Fraile S, Konstantinidis E, Konstantinidis S, Rivera O. Participatory Health Through Social Media. View
  15. Sacramento I, Wanick V. Mobile e-Health. View
  16. Alturki R, Gay V. Recent Trends and Advances in Wireless and IoT-enabled Networks. View
  17. LaBelle M, Strong C, Tseng Y. Cross-Cultural Design. Applications in Health, Learning, Communication, and Creativity. View
  18. Riva S, Hampton P, Chinyio E. Collaboration and Integration in Construction, Engineering, Management and Technology. View
  19. Mukami V, Millham R, Puckree T, Fong S. Proceeding of First Doctoral Symposium on Natural Computing Research. View
  20. Dugdale S, Semper H. Digital Innovations for Mental Health Support. View
  21. Folta S, Brown A, Blumberg J. Preventive Nutrition. View
  22. Levin-Zamir D, Parial L. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. View
  23. Guo Y, Bian J. Smartphone Apps for Health and Wellness. View
  24. Lurz M, Prommegger B, Böhm M, Krcmar H. Human-Computer Interaction. View
  25. Joseph S, Miodus S, Farley F. Handbook of Media Psychology. View