Published on in Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Jan-Mar

Exploring the Far Side of Mobile Health: Information Security and Privacy of Mobile Health Apps on iOS and Android

Exploring the Far Side of Mobile Health: Information Security and Privacy of Mobile Health Apps on iOS and Android

Exploring the Far Side of Mobile Health: Information Security and Privacy of Mobile Health Apps on iOS and Android

Tobias Dehling   1 , Dipl -Wirt -Inf ;   Fangjian Gao   1 , MSc ;   Stephan Schneider   1 , Dipl -Wirt -Inf ;   Ali Sunyaev   1 , PhD

1 Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

Corresponding Author:

  • Ali Sunyaev, PhD
  • Department of Information Systems
  • Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
  • University of Cologne
  • Albertus-Magnus-Platz
  • Cologne, D-50923
  • Germany
  • Phone: 49 221 4705397
  • Fax: 49 221 4705386
  • Email: