Published on in Vol 4, No 4 (2016): Oct-Dec

- Harrison G, Grant-Muller S, Hodgson F. New and emerging data forms in transportation planning and policy: Opportunities and challenges for “Track and Trace” data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2020;117:102672 View
- Vich G, Marquet O, Miralles-Guasch C. “Is there any time left for walking?” Physical activity implications of suburban commuting in the Barcelona metropolitan region. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 2019;119(2):136 View
- Sanchez M, Ambros A, Salmon M, Bhogadi S, Wilson R, Kinra S, Marshall J, Tonne C. Predictors of Daily Mobility of Adults in Peri-Urban South India. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017;14(7):783 View
- Ueberham M, Schlink U. Wearable sensors for multifactorial personal exposure measurements – A ranking study. Environment International 2018;121:130 View
- Marsh A, Hirve S, Lele P, Chavan U, Bhattacharjee T, Nair H, Campbell H, Juvekar S. Validating a GPS-based approach to detect health facility visits against maternal response to prompted recall survey. Journal of Global Health 2020;10(1) View
- Triguero-Mas M, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Seto E, Valentín A, Smith G, Martínez D, Carrasco-Turigas G, Masterson D, Van den Berg M, Ambròs A, Martínez-Íñiguez T, Dedele A, Hurst G, Ellis N, Grazulevicius T, Voorsmit M, Cirach M, Cirac-Claveras J, Swart W, Clasquin E, Maas J, Wendel-Vos W, Jerrett M, Gražulevičienė R, Kruize H, Gidlow C, Nieuwenhuijsen M. Living Close to Natural Outdoor Environments in Four European Cities: Adults’ Contact with the Environments and Physical Activity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017;14(10):1162 View
- Thacher J, Hvidtfeldt U, Poulsen A, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Ketzel M, Brandt J, Jensen S, Overvad K, Tjønneland A, Münzel T, Sørensen M. Long-term residential road traffic noise and mortality in a Danish cohort. Environmental Research 2020;187:109633 View
- Quinn C, Anderson G, Magzamen S, Henry C, Volckens J. Dynamic classification of personal microenvironments using a suite of wearable, low-cost sensors. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2020;30(6):962 View
- Donaire-Gonzalez D, Valentín A, van Nunen E, Curto A, Rodriguez A, Fernandez-Nieto M, Naccarati A, Tarallo S, Tsai M, Probst-Hensch N, Vermeulen R, Hoek G, Vineis P, Gulliver J, Nieuwenhuijsen M. ExpoApp: An integrated system to assess multiple personal environmental exposures. Environment International 2019;126:494 View
- Pañella P, Casas M, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Garcia-Esteban R, Robinson O, Valentín A, Gulliver J, Momas I, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Vrijheid M, Sunyer J. Ultrafine particles and black carbon personal exposures in asthmatic and non-asthmatic children at school age. Indoor Air 2017;27(5):891 View
- Szot T, Specht C, Specht M, Dabrowski P, Alshurafa N. Comparative analysis of positioning accuracy of Samsung Galaxy smartphones in stationary measurements. PLOS ONE 2019;14(4):e0215562 View
- Donaire-Gonzalez D, Curto A, Valentín A, Andrusaityte S, Basagaña X, Casas M, Chatzi L, de Bont J, de Castro M, Dedele A, Granum B, Grazuleviciene R, Kampouri M, Lyon-Caen S, Manzano-Salgado C, Aasvang G, McEachan R, Meinhard-Kjellstad C, Michalaki E, Pañella P, Petraviciene I, Schwarze P, Slama R, Robinson O, Tamayo-Uria I, Vafeiadi M, Waiblinger D, Wright J, Vrijheid M, Nieuwenhuijsen M. Personal assessment of the external exposome during pregnancy and childhood in Europe.. Environmental Research 2019;174:95 View
- Vich G, Marquet O, Miralles-Guasch C. Green exposure of walking routes and residential areas using smartphone tracking data and GIS in a Mediterranean city. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 2019;40:275 View
- Aldred R. Built Environment Interventions to Increase Active Travel: a Critical Review and Discussion. Current Environmental Health Reports 2019;6(4):309 View
- Loh M, Sarigiannis D, Gotti A, Karakitsios S, Pronk A, Kuijpers E, Annesi-Maesano I, Baiz N, Madureira J, Oliveira Fernandes E, Jerrett M, Cherrie J. How Sensors Might Help Define the External Exposome. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017;14(4):434 View
- Fillekes M, Kim E, Trumpf R, Zijlstra W, Giannouli E, Weibel R. Assessing Older Adults’ Daily Mobility: A Comparison of GPS-Derived and Self-Reported Mobility Indicators. Sensors 2019;19(20):4551 View
- Ueberham M, Schmidt F, Schlink U. Advanced Smartphone-Based Sensing with Open-Source Task Automation. Sensors 2018;18(8):2456 View
- Vich G, Marquet O, Miralles-Guasch C. Green streetscape and walking: Exploring active mobility patterns in dense and compact cities. Journal of Transport & Health 2019;12:50 View
- Markevych I, Schoierer J, Hartig T, Chudnovsky A, Hystad P, Dzhambov A, de Vries S, Triguero-Mas M, Brauer M, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Lupp G, Richardson E, Astell-Burt T, Dimitrova D, Feng X, Sadeh M, Standl M, Heinrich J, Fuertes E. Exploring pathways linking greenspace to health: Theoretical and methodological guidance. Environmental Research 2017;158:301 View
- Milà C, Salmon M, Sanchez M, Ambrós A, Bhogadi S, Sreekanth V, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Kinra S, Marshall J, Tonne C. When, Where, and What? Characterizing Personal PM2.5 Exposure in Periurban India by Integrating GPS, Wearable Camera, and Ambient and Personal Monitoring Data. Environmental Science & Technology 2018;52(22):13481 View
- Rohlman D, Dixon H, Kincl L, Larkin A, Evoy R, Barton M, Phillips A, Peterson E, Scaffidi C, Herbstman J, Waters K, Anderson K. Development of an environmental health tool linking chemical exposures, physical location and lung function. BMC Public Health 2019;19(1) View
- Milà C, Curto A, Dimitrova A, Sreekanth V, Kinra S, Marshall J, Tonne C. Identifying predictors of personal exposure to air temperature in peri-urban India. Science of The Total Environment 2020;707:136114 View
- Saxon J. Empirical Measures of Park Use in American Cities, and the Demographic Biases of Spatial Models. Geographical Analysis 2021;53(4):665 View
- Campbell M, Marek L, Hobbs M. Reconsidering movement and exposure: Towards a more dynamic health geography. Geography Compass 2021;15(6) View
- Russell H, Kappelt N, Fessa D, Frederickson L, Bagkis E, Apostolidis P, Karatzas K, Schmidt J, Hertel O, Johnson M. Particulate air pollution in the Copenhagen metro part 2: Low-cost sensors and micro-environment classification. Environment International 2022;170:107645 View
- Beukenhorst A, Sergeant J, Schultz D, McBeth J, Yimer B, Dixon W. Understanding the Predictors of Missing Location Data to Inform Smartphone Study Design: Observational Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2021;9(11):e28857 View
- Zhao Q, Li Z, Shah D, Fischer H, Solís P, Wentz E. Understanding the interaction between human activities and physical health under extreme heat environment in Phoenix, Arizona. Health & Place 2023;79:102691 View
- Knight S, Ng N, Tsanas A, Mclean K, Pagliari C, Harrison E. Mobile devices and wearable technology for measuring patient outcomes after surgery: a systematic review. npj Digital Medicine 2021;4(1) View
- Kaginalkar A, Kumar S, Gargava P, Niyogi D. Review of urban computing in air quality management as smart city service: An integrated IoT, AI, and cloud technology perspective. Urban Climate 2021;39:100972 View
- Kaginalkar A, Kumar S, Gargava P, Kharkar N, Niyogi D. SmartAirQ: A Big Data Governance Framework for Urban Air Quality Management in Smart Cities. Frontiers in Environmental Science 2022;10 View
- Kouis P, Michanikou A, Galanakis E, Michaelidou E, Dimitriou H, Perez J, Kinni P, Achilleos S, Revvas E, Stamatelatos G, Zacharatos H, Savvides C, Vasiliadou E, Kalivitis N, Chrysanthou A, Tymvios F, Papatheodorou S, Koutrakis P, Yiallouros P. Responses of schoolchildren with asthma to recommendations to reduce desert dust exposure: Results from the LIFE-MEDEA intervention project using wearable technology. Science of The Total Environment 2023;860:160518 View
- Christensen A, Radley D, Hobbs M, Gorse C, Griffiths C. Investigating how researcher-defined buffers and self-drawn neighbourhoods capture adolescent availability to physical activity facilities and greenspaces: An exploratory study. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 2022;43:100538 View
- Breen M, Xu Y, Christopher Frey H, Breen M, Isakov V. Microenvironment Tracker (MicroTrac) model to estimate time-location of individuals for air pollution exposure assessments: model evaluation using smartphone data. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2023;33(3):407 View
- Keusch F, Conrad F. Using Smartphones to Capture and Combine Self-Reports and Passively Measured Behavior in Social Research. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 2022;10(4):863 View
- Russell H, Kappelt N, Fessa D, Frederickson L, Bagkis E, Apostolidis P, Karatzas K, Schmidt J, Hertel O, Johnson M. Particulate Air Pollution in the Copenhagen Metro Part 2: Low-Cost Sensors and Micro-Environment Classification. SSRN Electronic Journal 2022 View
- Moumane K, Idri A. Mobile applications for endometriosis management functionalities: Analysis and potential. Scientific African 2023;21:e01833 View
- Nath P, Mahtaba K, Ray A. Fluorescence-Based Portable Assays for Detection of Biological and Chemical Analytes. Sensors 2023;23(11):5053 View
- Yu H, Hasan M, Ji Y, Ivey C. A brief review of methods for determining time-activity patterns in California. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2025 View