Published on in Vol 5, No 4 (2017): April

Clickotine, A Personalized Smartphone App for Smoking Cessation: Initial Evaluation

Clickotine, A Personalized Smartphone App for Smoking Cessation: Initial Evaluation

Clickotine, A Personalized Smartphone App for Smoking Cessation: Initial Evaluation


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  8. Hoeppner B, Hoeppner S, Carlon H, Perez G, Helmuth E, Kahler C, Kelly J. Leveraging Positive Psychology to Support Smoking Cessation in Nondaily Smokers Using a Smartphone App: Feasibility and Acceptability Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(7):e13436 View
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  12. Masaki K, Tateno H, Nomura A, Muto T, Suzuki S, Satake K, Hida E, Fukunaga K. A randomized controlled trial of a smoking cessation smartphone application with a carbon monoxide checker. npj Digital Medicine 2020;3(1) View
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  14. Patrick H, Fujii C, Glaser D, Utley D, Marler J. A Comprehensive Digital Program for Smoking Cessation: Assessing Feasibility in a Single-Group Cohort Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2018;6(12):e11708 View
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  16. Sridharan V, Shoda Y, Heffner J, Bricker J. A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of a Web-Based Growth Mindset Intervention to Enhance the Effectiveness of a Smartphone App for Smoking Cessation. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(7):e14602 View
  17. Gowarty M, Kung N, Maher A, Longacre M, Brunette M. Perceptions of Mobile Apps for Smoking Cessation Among Young People in Community Mental Health Care: Qualitative Study. JMIR Formative Research 2020;4(10):e19860 View
  18. Kruse G, Park E, Shahid N, Abroms L, Haberer J, Rigotti N. Combining Real-Time Ratings With Qualitative Interviews to Develop a Smoking Cessation Text Messaging Program for Primary Care Patients. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(3):e11498 View
  19. Bernardes-Souza B, Patruz Ananias De Assis Pires F, Madeira G, Felício Da Cunha Rodrigues T, Gatzka M, Heppt M, Omlor A, Enk A, Groneberg D, Seeger W, von Kalle C, Berking C, Corrêa P, Suhre J, Alfitian J, Assis A, Brinker T. Facial-Aging Mobile Apps for Smoking Prevention in Secondary Schools in Brazil: Appearance-Focused Interventional Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2018;4(3):e10234 View
  20. Marin-Gomez F, Garcia-Moreno Marchán R, Mayos-Fernandez A, Flores-Mateo G, Granado-Font E, Barrera Uriarte M, Duch J, Rey-Reñones C. Exploring Efficacy of a Serious Game (Tobbstop) for Smoking Cessation During Pregnancy: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Serious Games 2019;7(1):e12835 View
  21. Sverdlov O, van Dam J, Hannesdottir K, Thornton‐Wells T. Digital Therapeutics: An Integral Component of Digital Innovation in Drug Development. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2018;104(1):72 View
  22. Nomura A, Tateno H, Masaki K, Muto T, Suzuki S, Satake K, Hida E, Fukunaga K. A Novel Smoking Cessation Smartphone App Integrated With a Mobile Carbon Monoxide Checker for Smoking Cessation Treatment: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2019;8(2):e12252 View
  23. Leightley D, Puddephatt J, Jones N, Mahmoodi T, Chui Z, Field M, Drummond C, Rona R, Fear N, Goodwin L. A Smartphone App and Personalized Text Messaging Framework (InDEx) to Monitor and Reduce Alcohol Use in Ex-Serving Personnel: Development and Feasibility Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2018;6(9):e10074 View
  24. Marler J, Fujii C, Utley D, Tesfamariam L, Galanko J, Patrick H. Initial Assessment of a Comprehensive Digital Smoking Cessation Program That Incorporates a Mobile App, Breath Sensor, and Coaching: Cohort Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(2):e12609 View
  25. Leightley D, Rona R, Shearer J, Williamson C, Gunasinghe C, Simms A, Fear N, Goodwin L, Murphy D. Evaluating the Efficacy of a Mobile App (Drinks:Ration) and Personalized Text and Push Messaging to Reduce Alcohol Consumption in a Veteran Population: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2020;9(10):e19720 View
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  38. Struik L, Bottorff J, Baskerville N, Oliffe J, Crichton S. Comparison of Developers’ and End-Users’ Perspectives About Smoking Cessation Support Through the Crush the Crave App. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(3):e10750 View
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  41. Heffner J, Watson N, Serfozo E, Mull K, MacPherson L, Gasser M, Bricker J. A Behavioral Activation Mobile Health App for Smokers With Depression: Development and Pilot Evaluation in a Single-Arm Trial. JMIR Formative Research 2019;3(4):e13728 View
  42. Pallejà-Millán M, Rey-Reñones C, Barrera Uriarte M, Granado-Font E, Basora J, Flores-Mateo G, Duch J. Evaluation of the Tobbstop Mobile App for Smoking Cessation: Cluster Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2020;8(6):e15951 View
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  45. Marler J, Fujii C, Galanko J, Balbierz D, Utley D. Durability of Abstinence After Completing a Comprehensive Digital Smoking Cessation Program Incorporating a Mobile App, Breath Sensor, and Coaching: Cohort Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(2):e25578 View
  46. Webb J, Peerbux S, Smittenaar P, Siddiqui S, Sherwani Y, Ahmed M, MacRae H, Puri H, Bhalla S, Majeed A. Preliminary Outcomes of a Digital Therapeutic Intervention for Smoking Cessation in Adult Smokers: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mental Health 2020;7(10):e22833 View
  47. Gowarty M, Longacre M, Vilardaga R, Kung N, Gaughan-Maher A, Brunette M. Usability and Acceptability of Two Smartphone Apps for Smoking Cessation Among Young Adults With Serious Mental Illness: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Mental Health 2021;8(7):e26873 View
  48. Fulton E, Newby K, Kwah K, Schumacher L, Gokal K, Jackson L, Naughton F, Coleman T, Owen A, Brown K. A digital behaviour change intervention to increase booking and attendance at Stop Smoking Services: the MyWay feasibility RCT. Public Health Research 2021;9(5):1 View
  49. Tong H, Quiroz J, Kocaballi A, Fat S, Dao K, Gehringer H, Chow C, Laranjo L. Personalized mobile technologies for lifestyle behavior change: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression. Preventive Medicine 2021;148:106532 View
  50. Naughton F, Brown C, High J, Notley C, Mascolo C, Coleman T, Barton G, Shepstone L, Sutton S, Prevost A, Crane D, Greaves F, Hope A. Randomised controlled trial of a just-in-time adaptive intervention (JITAI) smoking cessation smartphone app: the Quit Sense feasibility trial protocol. BMJ Open 2021;11(4):e048204 View
  51. Gowarty M, Aschbrenner K, Brunette M. Acceptability and Usability of Mobile Apps for Smoking Cessation Among Young Adults With Psychotic Disorders and Other Serious Mental Illness. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021;12 View
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  53. Almutairi N, Vlahu-Gjorgievska E, Win K. Persuasive features for patient engagement through mHealth applications in managing chronic conditions: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Informatics for Health and Social Care 2023;48(3):267 View
  54. Dolgopolov I, Rykov M. The evolution of personalized medicine: literature review. Research and Practical Medicine Journal 2022;9(3):117 View
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  56. Barroso-Hurtado M, Suárez-Castro D, Martínez-Vispo C, Becoña E, López-Durán A. Smoking Cessation Apps: A Systematic Review of Format, Outcomes, and Features. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(21):11664 View
  57. Marler J, Fujii C, Utley M, Balbierz D, Galanko J, Utley D. Outcomes of a Comprehensive Mobile Smoking Cessation Program With Nicotine Replacement Therapy in Adult Smokers: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2022;10(11):e41658 View
  58. Asayut N, Olson P, Kanjanasilp J, Thanarat P, Senkraigul B, Sittisarn C, Suksawat S, Taheri S. A community pharmacist-led smoking cessation intervention using a smartphone app (PharmQuit): A randomized controlled trial. PLOS ONE 2022;17(3):e0265483 View
  59. Fedkov D, Berghofen A, Weiss C, Peine C, Lang F, Knitza J, Kuhn S, Krämer B, Leipe J. Efficacy and safety of a mobile app intervention in patients with inflammatory arthritis: a prospective pilot study. Rheumatology International 2022;42(12):2177 View
  60. Amagai S, Pila S, Kaat A, Nowinski C, Gershon R. Challenges in Participant Engagement and Retention Using Mobile Health Apps: Literature Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(4):e35120 View
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  62. Fradkin N, Zbikowski S, Christensen T. Analysis of Demographic Characteristics of Users of a Free Tobacco Cessation Smartphone App: Observational Study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2022;8(3):e32499 View
  63. Hors-Fraile S, Candel M, Schneider F, Malwade S, Nunez-Benjumea F, Syed-Abdul S, Fernandez-Luque L, de Vries H. Applying Collective Intelligence in Health Recommender Systems for Smoking Cessation: A Comparison Trial. Electronics 2022;11(8):1219 View
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  68. Alhasani M, Mulchandani D, Oyebode O, Baghaei N, Orji R. A Systematic and Comparative Review of Behavior Change Strategies in Stress Management Apps: Opportunities for Improvement. Frontiers in Public Health 2022;10 View
  69. Chen J, Chu J, Marsh S, Shi T, Bullen C. Smartphone App-Based Interventions to Support Smoking Cessation in Smokers with Mental Health Conditions: A Systematic Review. Psych 2023;5(4):1077 View
  70. Vera Cruz G, Khazaal Y, Etter J. Predicting the Users’ Level of Engagement with a Smartphone Application for Smoking Cessation: Randomized Trial and Machine Learning Analysis. European Addiction Research 2023;29(3):171 View
  71. Enyioha C, Loufman L, Grewe M, Cené C, Khairat S, Goldstein A, Kistler C. Black Smokers’ Preferences for Features of a Smoking Cessation App: Qualitative Study. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e43603 View
  72. Naughton F, Hope A, Siegele-Brown C, Grant K, Barton G, Notley C, Mascolo C, Coleman T, Shepstone L, Sutton S, Prevost A, Crane D, Greaves F, High J. An Automated, Online Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial of a Just-In-Time Adaptive Intervention for Smoking Cessation (Quit Sense). Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2023;25(7):1319 View
  73. Sawyer-Morris G, Wilde J, Molfenter T, Taxman F. Use of Digital Health and Digital Therapeutics to Treat SUD in Criminal Justice Settings: a Review. Current Addiction Reports 2023;11(1):149 View
  74. Andree R, Mujcic A, den Hollander W, van Laar M, Boon B, Engels R, Blankers M. Digital Smoking Cessation Intervention for Cancer Survivors: Analysis of Predictors and Moderators of Engagement and Outcome Alongside a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Cancer 2024;10:e46303 View
  75. Chen S, Tang J, Wu C, Zhang G, Zhang J, Liao Y. Preliminary Efficacy of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy–Based Smartphone App for Smoking Cessation in China: Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial. JMIR Formative Research 2024;8:e48050 View
  76. Almutairi N, Vlahu-Gjorgievska E, Win K. mHealth Asthma Management App’s Content Creation, Stakeholders’ Values and Design Features. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 2024:1 View
  77. Naughton F, Hope A, Siegele-Brown C, Grant K, Notley C, Colles A, West C, Mascolo C, Coleman T, Barton G, Shepstone L, Prevost T, Sutton S, Crane D, Greaves F, High J. A smoking cessation smartphone app that delivers real-time ‘context aware’ behavioural support: the Quit Sense feasibility RCT. Public Health Research 2024:1 View
  78. Sahebihagh M, Hosseinzadeh M, Mirghafourvand M, Sarbakhsh P, Nemati H. Preferences of Iranian smokers regarding smart smoking cessation technologies: a parallel convergent mixed methods study. BMC Public Health 2024;24(1) View
  79. Kwon O, Jung C, Kim A, Park S, Byeon G, Lee S, Kim W. Associations between Nicotine Dependence, Smartphone Usage Patterns, and Expected Compliance with a Smoking Cessation Application among Smokers. Healthcare Informatics Research 2024;30(3):224 View
  80. Zhou S, Brunetta P, Silvasstar J, Feldman G, Oromi N, Bull S. A Smartphone App (MO) to Provide Tailored and Comprehensive Support for Smoking Cessation: Initial Evaluation of Acceptability, Engagement, and Effectiveness (Preprint). JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2023 View
  81. White J, Toussaert S, Raiff B, Salem M, Chiang A, Crane D, Warrender E, Lyles C, Abroms L, Westmaas J, Thrul J. Evaluating the Impact of a Game (Inner Dragon) on User Engagement Within a Leading Smartphone App for Smoking Cessation: A Randomized Controlled Trial (Preprint). Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Thapaliya A, Kusal K, Nepal P. Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Applications IV. View
  2. Lang A, MacMurdo M, Upson D. Tobacco Dependence. View