Published on in Vol 6, No 9 (2018): September

Mobile Apps for Oral Health Promotion: Content Review and Heuristic Usability Analysis

Mobile Apps for Oral Health Promotion: Content Review and Heuristic Usability Analysis

Mobile Apps for Oral Health Promotion: Content Review and Heuristic Usability Analysis


  1. Chuko C, Chao F, Tsai H. Design of Interactive Aids for Children’s Teeth Cleaning Habits. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal 2020;5(2):494 View
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  8. Zahid T, Alyafi R, Bantan N, Alzahrani R, Elfirt E. <p>Comparison of Effectiveness of Mobile App versus Conventional Educational Lectures on Oral Hygiene Knowledge and Behavior of High School Students in Saudi Arabia</p>. Patient Preference and Adherence 2020;Volume 14:1901 View
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  14. Shirmohammadi M, Razeghi S, Shamshiri A, Mohebbi S. Impact of smartphone application usage by mothers in improving oral health and its determinants in early childhood: a randomised controlled trial in a paediatric dental setting. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry 2022;23(4):629 View
  15. Akmal Muhamat N, Hasan R, Saddki N, Mohd Arshad M, Ahmad M, Tadakamadla S. Development and usability testing of mobile application on diet and oral health. PLOS ONE 2021;16(9):e0257035 View
  16. Carrouel F, Bourgeois D, Clément C, Tardivo D, Martinon P, Guiral S, Lan R, Viennot S, Dussart C, Fraticelli L. Oral-Hygiene-Related Mobile Apps in the French App Stores: Assessment of Functionality and Quality. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(12):7293 View
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  18. Al-Moghrabi D, Alkadhimi A, Tsichlaki A, Pandis N, Fleming P. The influence of mobile applications and social media-based interventions in producing behavior change among orthodontic patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2022;161(3):338 View
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  20. Wang K, Lee G, Liu P, Gao X, Wong S, Wong M. Health belief model for empowering parental toothbrushing and sugar intake control in reducing early childhood caries among young children—study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials 2022;23(1) View
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  22. Sharma S, Mohanty V, Balappanavar A, Chahar P, Rijhwani K. Role of Digital Media in Promoting Oral Health: A Systematic Review. Cureus 2022 View
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  24. Saeidnia H, Karajizadeh M, Mohammadzadeh Z, Abdoli S, Hassanzadeh M. Usability Evaluation of the Mask Mobile Application: The Official Application of the Iranian Government. Iranian Journal of Medical Microbiology 2022;16(1):49 View
  25. Kanoute A, Carrouel F, Gare J, Dieng S, Dieng A, Diop M, Faye D, Fraticelli L, Bourgeois D. Evaluation of Oral Hygiene-Related Mobile Apps for Children in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(19):12565 View
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  29. Ajay K, Azevedo L, Haste A, Morris A, Giles E, Gopu B, Subramanian M, Zohoori F. App-based oral health promotion interventions on modifiable risk factors associated with early childhood caries: A systematic review. Frontiers in Oral Health 2023;4 View
  30. Weil M, Spinler K, Lieske B, Dingoyan D, Walther C, Heydecke G, Kofahl C, Aarabi G. An Evidence-Based Digital Prevention Program to Improve Oral Health Literacy of People With a Migration Background: Intervention Mapping Approach. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e36815 View
  31. ElNaghy R, Al-Qawasmi R, Hasanin M. Does using mobile applications and social media-based interventions induce beneficial behavioral changes among orthodontic patients?. Evidence-Based Dentistry 2023;24(1):26 View
  32. Schroth R, Kyoon-Achan G, Levesque J, Sturym M, DeMaré D, Mittermuller B, Lee J, Lee V. A mixed methods approach to obtaining health care provider feedback for the development of a Canadian pediatric dental caries risk assessment tool for children <6 years. Frontiers in Oral Health 2023;4 View
  33. Abdul Haq J, Splieth C, Mourad M, Vielhauer A, Abdulrahim R, Khole M, Santamaría R. Digital Application for Promoting Evidence-Based Children’s Oral Health to Control Early Childhood Caries: Randomized Control Trial on Parental Acceptance and Efficacy. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2023;12(7):2680 View
  34. Pascadopoli M, Zampetti P, Nardi M, Pellegrini M, Scribante A. Smartphone Applications in Dentistry: A Scoping Review. Dentistry Journal 2023;11(10):243 View
  35. Sarkar C, Mohanty V, Balappanavar A, Rijhwani K, Chahar P. Development, validation, and usability testing of prototype mobile application for oral health promotion during pregnancy in India. Indian Journal of Public Health 2023;67(3):376 View
  36. Schmalz G, Wirtz J, Haak R, Fenske F, Roth A, Ziebolz D. Dental Therapy of Patients Prior to Endoprostheses: A Retrospective, Telephone-Based Cohort Study. Dentistry Journal 2023;11(8):198 View
  37. Badea (Paun) A, Bocanet V, Badea I, Chifor R, Duma L, Borzan C. Relationship between Behavior and Periodontal Health Self-Perception in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients from Transylvania, Romania—A Self-Report Study, including The Desire to Use a Mobile App for Oral Care Improvements. Medicina 2023;59(8):1419 View
  38. Nagarajappa S, Vyas C, Mishra P, Gupta D, HM T, Sontakke S. Impact of smartphone application ‘Dent-O-Xpert’ on oral health related knowledge, attitude and behavior of young adults – A randomized control trial. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 2023;24:101429 View
  39. Väyrynen E, Hakola S, Keski-Salmi A, Jämsä H, Vainionpää R, Karki S. The Use of Patient-Oriented Mobile Phone Apps in Oral Health: Scoping Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2023;11:e46143 View
  41. Ferretti A, Vayena E, Blasimme A, König L. Unlock digital health promotion in LMICs to benefit the youth. PLOS Digital Health 2023;2(8):e0000315 View
  42. Sharma D, Gupta S, Koshy G, Sharma V, Hooda A. Potential implications of mobile applications in oral cancer. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2023;19(7):1691 View
  43. Goh C, Zheng K, Chua W, Nguyen T, Liu C, Koh C, Lee G, Tay C, Ooi B, Wong M. Development of a dental diet-tracking mobile app for improved caries-related dietary behaviours: Key features and pilot evaluation of quality. DIGITAL HEALTH 2024;10 View
  44. Detsomboonrat P, Pisarnturakit P. Time Efficiency, Reliability, and User Satisfaction of the Tooth Memo App for Recording Oral Health Information: Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study. JMIR Formative Research 2024;8:e56143 View
  45. Funieru C, Nicolescu M, Băicuş C, Slușanschi O, Bica C, Moldoveanu A, Perpelea A, Țandără A. Oral Hygiene Profile of Schoolchildren from Bucharest, Romania—How It Can Be Used and Improved for Better Prevention of Oral Diseases. Healthcare 2024;12(13):1293 View
  46. Nzabonimana E, Malele-Kolisa Y, Hlongwa P, Mafla A. Evaluation of oral health services and challenges faced by oral health practitioners working in Nyarugenge, Rwanda. PLOS ONE 2024;19(8):e0309127 View
  47. Adil A. Enhancing Oral Health Literacy- A Comprehensive Review. Dental Research Today 2024;1(1):3 View
  48. Meriç E. Evaluation of the quality of oral hygiene mobile apps for children using the mobile app rating scale. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2024;192:105612 View
  49. Nzabonimana E, Malele-Kolisa Y, Hlongwa P. The Feasibility and Acceptability of a Mobile Application for Oral Health Education Among Adults in Rwanda. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry 2024;Volume 16:359 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Christou A, Christodoulou Fella M. Informal Caregivers: From Hidden Heroes to Integral Part of Care. View