Published on in Vol 7, No 8 (2019): August

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The Continued Use of Mobile Health Apps: Insights From a Longitudinal Study

The Continued Use of Mobile Health Apps: Insights From a Longitudinal Study

The Continued Use of Mobile Health Apps: Insights From a Longitudinal Study

Authors of this article:

Isaac Vaghefi1 Author Orcid Image ;   Bengisu Tulu2 Author Orcid Image


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  118. Ester M, McDonough M, Bansal M, Dreger J, Daun J, McNeely M, Luu T, Culos-Reed S. Perspectives on Ease of Use and Value of a Self-Monitoring Application to Support Physical Activity Maintenance among Individuals Living with and beyond Cancer. Current Oncology 2024;31(3):1572 View
  119. Lurz M, Gemesi K, Holzmann S, Kretzschmar B, Wintergerst M, Groh G, Böhm M, Gedrich K, Hauner H, Krcmar H, Holzapfel C. Characterization of adults concerning the use of a hypothetical mHealth application addressing stress-overeating: an online survey. BMC Public Health 2024;24(1) View
  120. Regan C, Rosen P, Andermo S, Hagströmer M, Johansson U, Rossen J. The acceptability, usability, engagement and optimisation of a mHealth service promoting healthy lifestyle behaviours: A mixed method feasibility study. DIGITAL HEALTH 2024;10 View
  121. Cuesta-López I, Secades-Villa R, González-Roz A. Feasibility and Effects of Using Physical Activity Trackers With People Who Use Substances: A Systematic Review. Current Addiction Reports 2024;11(4):713 View
  122. Schroeder T, Kamalakkannan A, Seaman K, Nguyen A, Siette J, Gewald H, Georgiou A. Perception of middle-aged and older adults towards mHealth apps: A comparative factor analysis between Australia and Germany. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2024;189:105502 View
  123. Schläpfer S, Schneider F, Santhanam P, Eicher M, Kowatsch T, Witt C, Barth J. Engagement With a Relaxation and Mindfulness Mobile App Among People With Cancer: Exploratory Analysis of Use Data and Self-Reports From a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Cancer 2024;10:e52386 View
  124. Baum E, Thiel C, Kobleder A, Bernhardsgrütter D, Engst R, Maurer C, Koller A. Using a Mobile Messenger Service as a Digital Diary to Capture Patients’ Experiences Along Their Interorganizational Treatment Path in Gynecologic Oncology: Lessons Learned. JMIR Cancer 2024;10:e52985 View
  125. Al Khatib I, Shamayleh A, Ndiaye M. Healthcare and the Internet of Medical Things: Applications, Trends, Key Challenges, and Proposed Resolutions. Informatics 2024;11(3):47 View
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  127. Kamboj N, Metcalfe K, Chu C, Conway A. Designing the User Interface of a Nitroglycerin Dose Titration Decision Support System: User-Centered Design Study. Applied Clinical Informatics 2024;15(03):583 View
  128. Sharma V, Payal R, Dutta K, Poulose J, Kapse M. A comprehensive examination of factors influencing intention to continue usage of health and fitness apps: a two-stage hybrid SEM-ML analysis. Cogent Business & Management 2024;11(1) View
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  130. Niyomyart A, Ruksakulpiwat S, Benjasirisan C, Phianhasin L, Nigussie K, Thorngthip S, Shamita G, Thampakkul J, Begashaw L. Current Status of Barriers to mHealth Access Among Patients With Stroke and Steps Toward the Digital Health Era: Systematic Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2024;12:e54511 View
  131. Li S, Du Y, Meireles C, Song D, Sharma K, Yin Z, Brimhall B, Wang J. Decoding heterogeneity in data-driven self-monitoring adherence trajectories in digital lifestyle interventions for weight loss: a qualitative study. BMC Digital Health 2024;2(1) View
  132. Bowen-Forbes C, Khondaker T, Stafinski T, Hadizadeh M, Menon D. Mobile Apps for the Personal Safety of At-risk Children and Youth: Scoping Review (Preprint). JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2024 View
  133. D’Silva A, Hua N, Modayil M, Seidel J, Marshall D. Digital Health Interventions Are Effective for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Self-Management: A Systematic Review. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2024 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Machado D, Carvalho R, Brandão P. Handbook of Research on Solving Modern Healthcare Challenges With Gamification. View
  2. Ezzaouia I, Bulchand-Gidumal J. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2021. View
  3. Barbu R. Design, User Experience, and Usability: UX Research and Design. View
  4. Issom D. Sickle Cell Disease. View
  5. Gabel A, Pleger M, Schiering I. Assistive Technologien im Sozial- und Gesundheitssektor. View
  6. Mars M, Scott R. Integrity of Scientific Research. View
  7. Coziahr K, Stanley L, Perez-Litwin A, Lundberg C, Litwin A. Design, User Experience, and Usability: Design for Emotion, Well-being and Health, Learning, and Culture. View
  8. Solovyeva O, Laskin A. The Emerald Handbook of Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media. View
  9. Schmidt R, Schiering I. Privacy and Identity Management. Between Data Protection and Security. View
  10. Moses J, Adibi S. The Science behind the COVID Pandemic and Healthcare Technology Solutions. View
  11. Lorenz T, Pleger M, Schiering I. Assistive Technologien im Sozial- und Gesundheitssektor. View
  12. George R, Swathi S, Thomas R, Sowmya A. C. , Thomas M. Integrating Digital Health Strategies for Effective Administration. View
  13. Simhadri S, Vhaduri S. Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. View
  14. Keller V, Ercsey I. Effective Digital Marketing for Improving Society Behavior Toward DEI and SDGs. View
  15. Rissanen A, Rissanen M. Health Information Science. View
  16. Conceição G, Pinto A, Viana J, Miranda G, Santos P, Santos C, Freitas A. Ambient Intelligence – Software and Applications – 14th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence. View
  17. Mendes T, Antunes A. The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing. View
  18. Chan G, Alslaity A, Wilson R, Rajeshsingh P, Orji R. Intelligent Systems and Applications. View
  19. Halvadia N, Bhatt K, Patel H, Halvadia S. Proceedings of World Conference on Information Systems for Business Management. View
  20. AlWatban N, Othman F, Almosnid N, AlKadi K, Alajaji M, Aldeghaither D. Digitalization of Medicine in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. View