Published on in Vol 9, No 1 (2021): January

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Measuring Daily Compliance With Physical Activity Tracking in Ambulatory Surgery Patients: Comparative Analysis of Five Compliance Criteria

Measuring Daily Compliance With Physical Activity Tracking in Ambulatory Surgery Patients: Comparative Analysis of Five Compliance Criteria

Measuring Daily Compliance With Physical Activity Tracking in Ambulatory Surgery Patients: Comparative Analysis of Five Compliance Criteria

Ryan Kelly   1 , PhD ;   Simon Jones   2 , PhD ;   Blaine Price   3 , BA, BSc, MSc ;   Dmitri Katz   3 , PhD ;   Ciaran McCormick   3 , MSc ;   Oliver Pearce   4 , MD

1 School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

2 Department of Computer Science, University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom

3 School of Computing and Communications, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

4 Trauma and Orthopaedics Department, Milton Keynes University Hospital, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Corresponding Author:

  • Blaine Price, BA, BSc, MSc
  • School of Computing and Communications
  • The Open University
  • School of Computing & Communications
  • Walton Hall
  • Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA
  • United Kingdom
  • Phone: 44 1908653701
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