Published on in Vol 10, No 2 (2022): February

Preprints (earlier versions) of this paper are available at, first published .
Measurement Properties of Smartphone Approaches to Assess Diet, Alcohol Use, and Tobacco Use: Systematic Review

Measurement Properties of Smartphone Approaches to Assess Diet, Alcohol Use, and Tobacco Use: Systematic Review

Measurement Properties of Smartphone Approaches to Assess Diet, Alcohol Use, and Tobacco Use: Systematic Review

Louise Thornton   1, 2, 3 , BA, PhD ;   Bridie Osman   1 , BSc ;   Katrina Champion   1 , BA, PhD ;   Olivia Green   1 , BA ;   Annie B Wescott   4 , BA, PhD ;   Lauren A Gardner   1 , BA, PhD ;   Courtney Stewart   5 , BA ;   Rachel Visontay   1 , BA ;   Jesse Whife   5 , BA ;   Belinda Parmenter   6 , BA, PhD ;   Louise Birrell   1 , BA, PhD ;   Zachary Bryant   1 , BA ;   Cath Chapman   1 , BA, PhD ;   David Lubans   7 , BA, PhD ;   Tim Slade   1 , BA, PhD ;   John Torous   8 , BA, PhD ;   Maree Teesson   1 , BA, PhD ;   Pepijn Van de Ven   9 , BA, PhD

1 The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

2 School of Medicine and Public Health, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia

3 School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of New South Wales, Kensington, Australia

4 Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, United States

5 National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Perth, Australia

6 School of Health Sciences, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

7 Priority Research Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia

8 Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Centre, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States

9 Health Research Institute, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland

Corresponding Author:

  • Louise Thornton, BA, PhD
  • The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use
  • The University of Sydney
  • Level 6, Jane Foss Russel Building
  • Camperdown
  • Sydney, 2006
  • Australia
  • Phone: 61 0403744089
  • Email: