Published on in Vol 2, No 1 (2014): Jan-Mar

Teenagers and Texting: Use of a Youth Ecological Momentary Assessment System in Trajectory Health Research With Latina Adolescents

Teenagers and Texting: Use of a Youth Ecological Momentary Assessment System in Trajectory Health Research With Latina Adolescents

Teenagers and Texting: Use of a Youth Ecological Momentary Assessment System in Trajectory Health Research With Latina Adolescents

Carolyn Garcia   1 , MPH, PhD ;   Rachel R Hardeman   2 , MPH ;   Gyu Kwon   3 ;   Elizabeth Lando-King   1 , PhD ;   Lei Zhang   3 , MS ;   Therese Genis   1 , MPH ;   Sonya S Brady   2 , PhD ;   Elizabeth Kinder   1 , MN

1 University of Minnesota, School of Nursing, Minneapolis, MN, United States

2 University of Minnesota, School of Public Health, Minneapolis, MN, United States

3 Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States

Corresponding Author:

  • Carolyn Garcia, MPH, PhD
  • University of Minnesota
  • School of Nursing
  • 5-140 Weaver Densford Hall
  • 308 Harvard Street SE
  • Minneapolis, MN, 55455
  • United States
  • Phone: 1 6126246179
  • Fax: 1 6126247091
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