Published on in Vol 5, No 6 (2017): June

Use of and Beliefs About Mobile Phone Apps for Diabetes Self-Management: Surveys of People in a Hospital Diabetes Clinic and Diabetes Health Professionals in New Zealand

Use of and Beliefs About Mobile Phone Apps for Diabetes Self-Management: Surveys of People in a Hospital Diabetes Clinic and Diabetes Health Professionals in New Zealand

Use of and Beliefs About Mobile Phone Apps for Diabetes Self-Management: Surveys of People in a Hospital Diabetes Clinic and Diabetes Health Professionals in New Zealand

Leah Boyle   1 ;   Rebecca Grainger   1 , MBChB, BMedSC, FRACP, PhD ;   Rosemary M Hall   1, 2 , MBChB, PhD, FRACP ;   Jeremy D Krebs   1, 2 , MBChB, MD, FRACP

1 Department of Medicine, University of Otago Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

2 Centre for Endocrine Diabetes and Obesity Research, Capital and Coast Health, Wellington Regional Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand

Corresponding Author:

  • Jeremy D Krebs, MBChB, MD, FRACP
  • Department of Medicine
  • University of Otago Wellington
  • Department of Medicine
  • 23A Mein St, PO Box 7343
  • Wellington, 6242
  • New Zealand
  • Phone: 64 43855541
  • Fax: 64 4389 5725
  • Email: