Published on in Vol 6, No 2 (2018): February

Patterns of Fitbit Use and Activity Levels Throughout a Physical Activity Intervention: Exploratory Analysis from a Randomized Controlled Trial

Patterns of Fitbit Use and Activity Levels Throughout a Physical Activity Intervention: Exploratory Analysis from a Randomized Controlled Trial

Patterns of Fitbit Use and Activity Levels Throughout a Physical Activity Intervention: Exploratory Analysis from a Randomized Controlled Trial


  1. Jung M, Ha Y. Effectiveness of a Workplace Walking Program Using a Fitness Tracker Including Individual Counseling and Tailored Text Messaging. Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2019;30(3):257 View
  2. Weiner L, Nagel S, Su H, Hurst S, Hartman S. A Remotely Delivered, Peer-Led Physical Activity Intervention for Younger Breast Cancer Survivors (Pink Body Spirit): Protocol for a Feasibility Study and Mixed Methods Process Evaluation. JMIR Research Protocols 2020;9(7):e18420 View
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  8. Wu H, Gal R, van Sleeuwen N, Brombacher A, IJsselsteijn W, May A, Monninkhof E. Breast Cancer Survivors’ Experiences With an Activity Tracker Integrated Into a Supervised Exercise Program: Qualitative Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(2):e10820 View
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  15. Müller A, Wang N, Yao J, Tan C, Low I, Lim N, Tan J, Tan A, Müller-Riemenschneider F. Heart Rate Measures From Wrist-Worn Activity Trackers in a Laboratory and Free-Living Setting: Validation Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(10):e14120 View
  16. Wu J, Ho T, Chang Y, Hsu C, Tsai C, Lai F, Lin M. Wearable-Based Mobile Health App in Gastric Cancer Patients for Postoperative Physical Activity Monitoring: Focus Group Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(4):e11989 View
  17. Phillips S, Courneya K, Welch W, Gavin K, Cottrell A, Nielsen A, Solk P, Blanch-Hartigan D, Cella D, Ackermann R, Spring B, Penedo F. Breast cancer survivors’ preferences for mHealth physical activity interventions: findings from a mixed methods study. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2019;13(2):292 View
  18. Sharaievska I, Battista R, Zwetsloot J. Use of Physical Activity Monitoring Devices by Families in Rural Communities: Qualitative Approach. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2019;2(1):e10658 View
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  21. Somayaji D, Blok A, Hayman L, Colson Y, Jaklisch M, Cooley M. Enhancing behavioral change among lung cancer survivors participating in a lifestyle risk reduction intervention: a qualitative study. Supportive Care in Cancer 2019;27(4):1299 View
  22. MCNEIL J, BRENNER D, STONE C, O’REILLY R, RUAN Y, VALLANCE J, COURNEYA K, THORPE K, KLEIN D, FRIEDENREICH C. Activity Tracker to Prescribe Various Exercise Intensities in Breast Cancer Survivors. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2019;51(5):930 View
  23. Gavin K, Welch W, Conroy D, Kozey-Keadle S, Pellegrini C, Cottrell A, Nielsen A, Solk P, Siddique J, Phillips S. Sedentary behavior after breast cancer: motivational, demographic, disease, and health status correlates of sitting time in breast cancer survivors. Cancer Causes & Control 2019;30(6):569 View
  24. Chia G, Anderson A, McLean L. Behavior Change Techniques Incorporated in Fitness Trackers: Content Analysis. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(7):e12768 View
  25. Hardcastle S, Jiménez-Castuera R, Maxwell-Smith C, Bulsara M, Hince D, Bergman P. Fitbit wear-time and patterns of activity in cancer survivors throughout a physical activity intervention and follow-up: Exploratory analysis from a randomised controlled trial. PLOS ONE 2020;15(10):e0240967 View
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  27. Hartman S, Weiner L, Natarajan L, Sears D, Palmer B, Parker B, Ahles T, Irwin M, Au K. A randomized trial of physical activity for cognitive functioning in breast cancer survivors: Rationale and study design of I Can! Improving Cognition After Cancer. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2021;102:106289 View
  28. Claudel S, Tamura K, Troendle J, Andrews M, Ceasar J, Mitchell V, Vijayakumar N, Powell-Wiley T. Comparing Methods to Identify Wear-Time Intervals for Physical Activity With the Fitbit Charge 2. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 2021;29(3):529 View
  29. Peng W, Li L, Kononova A, Cotten S, Kamp K, Bowen M. Habit Formation in Wearable Activity Tracker Use Among Older Adults: Qualitative Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2021;9(1):e22488 View
  30. Rayward A, Vandelanotte C, Van Itallie A, Duncan M. The Association Between Logging Steps Using a Website, App, or Fitbit and Engaging With the 10,000 Steps Physical Activity Program: Observational Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(6):e22151 View
  31. McNeil J, Fahim M, Stone C, O’Reilly R, Courneya K, Friedenreich C. Adherence to a lower versus higher intensity physical activity intervention in the Breast Cancer & Physical Activity Level (BC-PAL) Trial. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2022;16(2):353 View
  32. Nezami B, Valle C, Nulty A, Espeland M, Wing R, Tate D. Predictors and Outcomes of Digital Weighing and Activity Tracking Lapses Among Young Adults During Weight Gain Prevention. Obesity 2021;29(4):698 View
  33. Hogan J, Grant G, Kelly F, O’Hare J. A time in motion study of impact of robotics on medication supply in an Australian hospital pharmacy. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research 2021;51(2):129 View
  34. O’Loughlin E, Sabiston C, deJonge M, Lucibello K, O’Loughlin J. Associations among physical activity tracking, physical activity motivation and level of physical activity in young adults. Journal of Health Psychology 2022;27(8):1833 View
  35. Joseph R, Ainsworth B, Hollingshead K, Todd M, Keller C. Results of a Culturally Tailored Smartphone-Delivered Physical Activity Intervention Among Midlife African American Women: Feasibility Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2021;9(4):e27383 View
  36. Blount D, McDonough D, Gao Z. Effect of Wearable Technology-Based Physical Activity Interventions on Breast Cancer Survivors’ Physiological, Cognitive, and Emotional Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021;10(9):2015 View
  37. Östlind E, Sant’Anna A, Eek F, Stigmar K, Ekvall Hansson E. Physical activity patterns, adherence to using a wearable activity tracker during a 12-week period and correlation between self-reported function and physical activity in working age individuals with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2021;22(1) View
  38. Orstad S, Gerchow L, Patel N, Reddy M, Hernandez C, Wilson D, Jay M. Defining Valid Activity Monitor Data: A Multimethod Analysis of Weight-Loss Intervention Participants’ Barriers to Wear and First 100 Days of Physical Activity. Informatics 2021;8(2):39 View
  39. Creaser A, Clemes S, Costa S, Hall J, Ridgers N, Barber S, Bingham D. The Acceptability, Feasibility, and Effectiveness of Wearable Activity Trackers for Increasing Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(12):6211 View
  40. Di Blasio A, Morano T, Lancia F, Viscioni G, Di Iorio A, Grossi S, Cianchetti E, Cugusi L, Gobbo S, Bergamin M, D’Eugenio A, Masini L, Rinaldi M, Scognamiglio M, Vamvakis A, Napolitano G. Effects of Activity Tracker-Based Counselling and Live-Web Exercise on Breast Cancer Survivors during Italy COVID-19 Lockdown. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology 2021;6(2):50 View
  41. Papasideris M, Ayaz H, Safati A, Morita P, Hall P. Examining the relationships among adolescent health behaviours, prefrontal function, and academic achievement using fNIRS. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 2021;50:100983 View
  42. LESKINEN T, SUORSA K, TUOMINEN M, PULAKKA A, PENTTI J, LÖYTTYNIEMI E, HEINONEN I, VAHTERA J, STENHOLM S. The Effect of Consumer-based Activity Tracker Intervention on Physical Activity among Recent Retirees—An RCT Study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2021;53(8):1756 View
  43. Ester M, Eisele M, Wurz A, McDonough M, McNeely M, Culos-Reed S. Current Evidence and Directions for Future Research in eHealth Physical Activity Interventions for Adults Affected by Cancer: Systematic Review. JMIR Cancer 2021;7(3):e28852 View
  44. Ferrante J, Lulla A, Williamson J, Devine K, Ohman-Strickland P, Bandera E. Patterns of Fitbit Use and Activity Levels Among African American Breast Cancer Survivors During an eHealth Weight Loss Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Health Promotion 2022;36(1):94 View
  45. Abrantes A, Van Noppen D, Bailey G, Uebelacker L, Buman M, Stein M. A feasibility study of a peer-facilitated physical activity intervention in methadone maintenance. Mental Health and Physical Activity 2021;21:100419 View
  46. Pappada S. Machine learning in medicine: It has arrived, let's embrace it. Journal of Cardiac Surgery 2021;36(11):4121 View
  47. Östlind E, Ekvall Hansson E, Eek F, Stigmar K. Experiences of activity monitoring and perceptions of digital support among working individuals with hip and knee osteoarthritis – a focus group study. BMC Public Health 2022;22(1) View
  48. Ha Y, Lee S, Lee D, Kang Y, Choi W, An J. Effectiveness of a Mobile Wellness Program for Nurses with Rotating Shifts during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Cluster-Randomized Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022;19(2):1014 View
  49. Hays Weeks C, Moore A, Allison M, Patrick K, Bondi M, Nebeker C, Liu T, Wing D, Higgins M, Hartman S, Rissman R, Zlatar Z. The Independent Walking for Brain Health Intervention for Older Adults: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2023;12:e42980 View
  50. Williamson Lewis R, Howell K, Effinger K, Meacham L, Wasilewski-Masker K, Mertens A, Gilleland Marchak J. Feasibility of Fitbit Use in Adolescent Survivors of Pediatric Cancer: Who Consistently Uses It and for How Long?. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology 2023;12(4):529 View
  51. Rodríguez-Torres J, Calvache-Mateo A, Ortiz-Rubio A, Muñoz-Vigueras N, López-López L, Valenza M. Uso de eSalud para promover la actividad física en los supervivientes de neoplasias torácicas: revisión sistemática y metaanálisis. Enfermería Clínica 2023;33(2):123 View
  52. Shah V, Brumbach B, Pearson S, Vasilyev P, King E, Carlson-Kuhta P, Mancini M, Horak F, Sowalsky K, McNames J, El-Gohary M. Opal Actigraphy (Activity and Sleep) Measures Compared to ActiGraph: A Validation Study. Sensors 2023;23(4):2296 View
  53. Grunberg V, Greenberg J, Mace R, Bakhshaie J, Choi K, Vranceanu A. Fitbit Activity, Quota-Based Pacing, and Physical and Emotional Functioning Among Adults With Chronic Pain. The Journal of Pain 2022;23(11):1933 View
  54. Moye R, Towns T, Skipper A, Rose D. Are Smartwatches Actually Used for Exercise? Evidence from HBCU Students. American Journal of Health Education 2022;53(4):219 View
  55. Ha Y, Lee S, Lee S, Chae Y. The Effectiveness of a mHealth Program Using Wearable Devices and Health Coaching among Bus Drivers for Promoting Physical Activity. Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2022;33(3):332 View
  56. Javdan M, Ghasemaghaei M, Abouzahra M. Psychological barriers of using wearable devices by seniors: A mixed-methods study. Computers in Human Behavior 2023;141:107615 View
  57. Ajmera P, Miraj M, Kalra S, Goyal R, Chorsiya V, Shaik R, Alzhrani M, Alanazi A, Alqahtani M, Miraj S, Pawaria S, Mehta V. Impact of telehealth interventions on physiological and psychological outcomes in breast cancer survivors: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Frontiers in Oncology 2023;12 View
  58. Malhotra R, Rahimi S, Agarwal U, Katz R, Kumar U, Garimella P, Gupta V, Chopra T, Kotanko P, Ikizler T, Larsen B, Cadmus-Bertram L, Ix J. The Impact of a Wearable Activity Tracker and Structured Feedback Program on Physical Activity in Hemodialysis Patients: The Step4Life Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Kidney Diseases 2023;82(1):75 View
  59. Aguiar M, Trujillo M, Chaves D, Álvarez R, Epelde G. mHealth Apps Using Behavior Change Techniques to Self-report Data: Systematic Review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2022;10(9):e33247 View
  60. Di Blasio A, Morano T, Lancia F, Viscioni G, Di Iorio A, Grossi S, Cianchetti E, Pippi R, Gobbo S, Bergamin M, D’eugenio A, Masini L, Rinaldi M, Grassadonia A, Vamvakis A, Napolitano G. Effects of activity tracker-based counselling and live-web exercise on breast cancer survivors’ sleep and waking time during Italy’s COVID-19 lockdown. Home Health Care Services Quarterly 2022;41(1):1 View
  61. Kanai M, Izawa K, Kubo H, Nozoe M, Shimada S. Objectively measured physical activity was not associated with neighborhood walkability attributes in community-dwelling patients with stroke. Scientific Reports 2022;12(1) View
  62. Joseph R, Todd M, Ainsworth B, Vega-López S, Adams M, Hollingshead K, Hooker S, Gaesser G, Keller C. Smart Walk: A Culturally Tailored Smartphone-Delivered Physical Activity Intervention for Cardiometabolic Risk Reduction among African American Women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023;20(2):1000 View
  63. Brannon G, Ray M, Cho P, Baum M, Beg M, Bevers T, Schembre S, Basen-Engquist K, Liao Y. A qualitative study to explore the acceptability and usefulness of personalized biofeedback to motivate physical activity in cancer survivors. DIGITAL HEALTH 2022;8:205520762211290 View
  64. Hartman S, Chen R, Tam R, Narayan H, Natarajan L, Liu L. Fitbit Use and Activity Levels From Intervention to 2 Years After: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2022;10(6):e37086 View
  65. Culos-Reed N, Wagoner C, Dreger J, McNeely M, Keats M, Santa Mina D, Cuthbert C, Capozzi L, Francis G, Chen G, Ester M, McLaughlin E, Eisele M, Sibley D, Langley J, Chiekwe J, Christensen T. Implementing an exercise oncology model to reach rural and remote individuals living with and beyond cancer: a hybrid effectiveness-implementation protocol for project EXCEL (EXercise for Cancer to Enhance Living Well). BMJ Open 2022;12(12):e063953 View
  66. AHRAZ A, ÇAR B, CENGİZ C. FİZİKSEL AKTİVİTENİN ARTTIRILMASINA YÖNELİK DİJİTAL TEKNOLOJİLER HAKKINDA LİTERATÜR TARAMASI: 2010-2020. Ankara Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi 2021:218 View
  67. Weiner L, Nagel S, Irene Su H, Hurst S, Levy S, Arredondo E, Hekler E, Hartman S. A remotely delivered, peer-led intervention to improve physical activity and quality of life in younger breast cancer survivors. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2023;46(4):578 View
  68. Chew H, Lim S, Kim G, Kayambu G, So B, Shabbir A, Gao Y. Essential elements of weight loss apps for a multi-ethnic population with high BMI: a qualitative study with practical recommendations. Translational Behavioral Medicine 2023 View
  69. Grimes A, Lightner J, Eighmy K, Steel C, Shook R, Carlson J. Decreased Physical Activity Among Youth Resulting From COVID-19 Pandemic–Related School Closures: Natural Experimental Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(4):e35854 View
  70. Rodríguez-Torres J, Calvache-Mateo A, Ortiz-Rubio A, Muñoz-Vigueras N, López-López L, Valenza M. The use of eHealth to promote physical activity in thoracic malignancies survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Enfermería Clínica (English Edition) 2023;33(2):123 View
  71. Garbin A, Díaz J, Bui V, Morrison J, Fisher B, Palacios C, Estrada-Darley I, Haase D, Wing D, Amezcua L, Jakowec M, Kaplan C, Petzinger G. Promoting Physical Activity in a Spanish-Speaking Latina Population of Low Socioeconomic Status With Chronic Neurological Disorders: Proof-of-Concept Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(4):e34312 View
  72. Keats M, Yu X, Sweeney Magee M, Forbes C, Grandy S, Sweeney E, Dummer T. Use of Wearable Activity-Monitoring Technologies to Promote Physical Activity in Cancer Survivors: Challenges and Opportunities for Improved Cancer Care. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023;20(6):4784 View
  73. Daley A, Griffin R, Moakes C, Sanders J, Skrybant M, Ives N, Maylor B, Greenfield S, Gokal K, Parretti H, Biddle S, Greaves C, Maddison R, Mutrie N, Esliger D, Sherar L, Edwardson C, Yates T, Frew E, Tearne S, Jolly K. Snacktivity™ to promote physical activity and reduce future risk of disease in the population: protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial and nested qualitative study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2023;9(1) View
  74. Shih H, Quinn L, Morgan-Jones P, Long K, Schreier A, Friel C. Wearable Activity Monitors to Support Physical Activity Interventions in Neurodegenerative Disease: A Feasibility Study. Neurodegenerative Disease Management 2023;13(3):177 View
  75. Machorro-Cano I, Olmedo-Aguirre J, Alor-Hernández G, Rodríguez-Mazahua L, Sánchez-Morales L, Pérez-Castro N. Cloud-Based Platforms for Health Monitoring: A Review. Informatics 2023;11(1):2 View
  76. Cloß K, Verket M, Müller-Wieland D, Marx N, Schuett K, Jost E, Crysandt M, Beier F, Brümmendorf T, Kobbe G, Brandts J, Jacobsen M. Application of wearables for remote monitoring of oncology patients: A scoping review. DIGITAL HEALTH 2024;10 View
  77. Chew H, Chew N, Loong S, Lim S, Tam W, Chin Y, Chao A, Dimitriadis G, Gao Y, So J, Shabbir A, Ngiam K. Effectiveness of an Artificial Intelligence-Assisted App for Improving Eating Behaviors: Mixed Methods Evaluation. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2024;26:e46036 View
  78. Ngo-Huang A, Parker N, Schadler K, Katz M. Response to: Comment on “Effects of a Pragmatic Home-Based Exercise Program Concurrent With Neoadjuvant Therapy on Physical Function of Patients With Pancreatic Cancer: The PancFit Randomized Clinical Trial”. Annals of Surgery Open 2024;5(2):e435 View
  79. Pulantara I, Wang Y, Burke L, Sereika S, Bizhanova Z, Kariuki J, Cheng J, Beatrice B, Loar I, Cedillo M, Conroy M, Parmanto B. Data Collection and Management of mHealth, Wearables, and Internet of Things in Digital Behavioral Health Interventions With the Awesome Data Acquisition Method (ADAM): Development of a Novel Informatics Architecture. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2024;12:e50043 View
  80. Page L, Fanning J, Phipps C, Berger A, Reed E, Ehlers D. Heart Rate Monitoring Among Breast Cancer Survivors: Quantitative Study of Device Agreement in a Community-Based Exercise Program. JMIR Cancer 2024;10:e51210 View
  81. Sweeney A, Wilson D, Zarrett N, Simmons T, Mansfield M, Decker L. Using formative process evaluation to improve program implementation and accessibility of competitive group-based physical activity in the TEAM-PA trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2024;21(1) View
  82. Frodi D, Kolk M, Langford J, Knops R, Tan H, Andersen T, Jacobsen P, Risum N, Svendsen J, Tjong F, Diederichsen S. Long-term adherence to a wearable for continuous behavioural activity measuring in the SafeHeart implantable cardioverter defibrillator population. European Heart Journal - Digital Health 2024;5(5):622 View
  83. Liang K, Le F, Chi P, Chen S, Huang L, Chi X. Move more today, sleep better tonight? Daily associations between physical activity and sedentary behavior with sleep among young adults with and without insomnia symptoms. Psychology of Sport and Exercise 2025;76:102758 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Choukou M, (Katie) Zhu X, Malwade S, Dhar E, Abdul S. Healthcare Information Management Systems. View