Published on in Vol 7, No 4 (2019): April

The Iterative Convergent Design for Mobile Health Usability Testing: Mixed Methods Approach

The Iterative Convergent Design for Mobile Health Usability Testing: Mixed Methods Approach

The Iterative Convergent Design for Mobile Health Usability Testing: Mixed Methods Approach


  1. Brown J, Savaglio R, Watson G, Kaplansky A, LeSage A, Hughes J, Kapralos B, Arcand J. Optimizing Child Nutrition Education With the Foodbot Factory Mobile Health App: Formative Evaluation and Analysis. JMIR Formative Research 2020;4(4):e15534 View
  2. Alwashmi M, Fitzpatrick B, Davis E, Gamble J, Farrell J, Hawboldt J. Perceptions of Health Care Providers Regarding a Mobile Health Intervention to Manage Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Qualitative Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2019;7(6):e13950 View
  3. Alwashmi M, Fitzpatrick B, Davis E, Farrell J, Gamble J, Hawboldt J. Features of a mobile health intervention to manage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a qualitative study. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 2020;14:175346662095104 View
  4. Stubberud A, Tronvik E, Olsen A, Gravdahl G, Linde M. Biofeedback Treatment App for Pediatric Migraine: Development and Usability Study. Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 2020;60(5):889 View
  5. Gannon B, Davis R, Kuhns L, Rodriguez R, Garofalo R, Schnall R. A Mobile Sexual Health App on Empowerment, Education, and Prevention for Young Adult Men (MyPEEPS Mobile): Acceptability and Usability Evaluation. JMIR Formative Research 2020;4(4):e17901 View
  6. Davies A, Mueller J, Hennings J, Caress A, Jay C. Recommendations for Developing Support Tools With People Suffering From Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Co-Design and Pilot Testing of a Mobile Health Prototype. JMIR Human Factors 2020;7(2):e16289 View
  7. Alwashmi M, Fitzpatrick B, Farrell J, Gamble J, Davis E, Nguyen H, Farrell G, Hawboldt J. Perceptions of Patients Regarding Mobile Health Interventions for the Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2020;8(7):e17409 View
  8. Routhier F, Duclos N, Lacroix É, Lettre J, Turcotte E, Hamel N, Michaud F, Duclos C, Archambault P, Bouyer L, Papa F. Clinicians’ perspectives on inertial measurement units in clinical practice. PLOS ONE 2020;15(11):e0241922 View
  9. Butler S, Sculley D, Santos D, Fellas A, Gironès X, Singh-Grewal D, Coda A. Usability of eHealth and Mobile Health Interventions by Young People Living With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Systematic Review. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2020;3(2):e15833 View
  10. Lowe C, Hanuman Sing H, Browne M, Alwashmi M, Marsh W, Morrissey D. Usability Testing of a Digital Assessment Routing Tool: Protocol for an Iterative Convergent Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2021;10(5):e27205 View
  11. Tonga E, Williamson E, Srikesavan C, Özen T, Sarıtaş F, Lamb S. A hand exercise mobile app for people with rheumatoid arthritis in Turkey: design, development and usability study. Rheumatology International 2021;41(6):1151 View
  12. Rager T, Koepfli C, Khan W, Ahmed S, Mahmud Z, Clayton K. Usability of Rapid Cholera Detection Device (OmniVis) for Water Quality Workers in Bangladesh: Iterative Convergent Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(5):e22973 View
  13. O'Dell S, Fisher H, Schlieder V, Klinger T, Kininger R, Cosottile M, Cummings S, DeHart K. Engaging Parents and Health Care HCS to Inform Development of a Behavioral Intervention Technology to Promote Pediatric Behavioral Health: Mixed Methods Study (Preprint). JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2021 View
  14. Kirkscey R. Development and Patient User Experience Evaluation of an mHealth Informational App for Osteoporosis. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 2022;38(8):707 View
  15. Wang Q, Liu J, Zhou L, Tian J, Chen X, Zhang W, Wang H, Zhou W, Gao Y. Usability evaluation of mHealth apps for elderly individuals: a scoping review. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2022;22(1) View
  16. Alzahrani A, Gay V, Alturki R, AlGhamdi M, Dogra A. Towards Understanding the Usability Attributes of AI-Enabled eHealth Mobile Applications. Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2021;2021:1 View
  17. Laranjeira C, Dixe M, Martinho R, Rijo R, Querido A. Building Bridges for “Palliative Care-in-Place”: Development of a mHealth Intervention for Informal Home Care. Frontiers in Psychology 2022;13 View
  18. Humphrey G, Chu J, Ruwhiu-Collins R, Erick-Peleti S, Dowling N, Merkouris S, Newcombe D, Rodda S, Ho E, Nosa V, Parag V, Bullen C. Adapting an Evidence-Based e-Learning Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Into a Mobile App for People Experiencing Gambling-Related Problems: Formative Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(3):e32940 View
  19. Idnay B, Fang Y, Dreisbach C, Marder K, Weng C, Schnall R. Clinical research staff perceptions on a natural language processing-driven tool for eligibility prescreening: An iterative usability assessment. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2023;171:104985 View
  20. Rochat J, Ehrler F, Siebert J, Ricci A, Garretas Ruiz V, Lovis C. Usability Testing of a Patient-Centered Mobile Health App for Supporting and Guiding the Pediatric Emergency Department Patient Journey: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2022;5(1):e25540 View
  21. O'Connor A, Tai A, Kopsaftis Z, Carson-Chahhoud K. Qualitative Study Protocol: Augmented Reality Technology to Deliver Asthma Inhaler Technique Training for Children and Adolescents With Asthma. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 2021;20:160940692110422 View
  22. Lowe C, Browne M, Marsh W, Morrissey D. Usability Testing of a Digital Assessment Routing Tool for Musculoskeletal Disorders: Iterative, Convergent Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(8):e38352 View
  23. Virk P, Arora R, Burt H, Gadermann A, Barbic S, Nelson M, Davidson J, Cornish P, Doan Q. HEARTSMAP-U: Adapting a Psychosocial Self-Screening and Resource Navigation Support Tool for Use by Post-secondary Students. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022;13 View
  24. Lamper C, Huijnen I, Kroese M, Köke A, Brouwer G, Ruwaard D, Verbunt J, Zhou J. Exploring the feasibility of a network of organizations for pain rehabilitation: What are the lessons learned?. PLOS ONE 2022;17(9):e0273030 View
  25. O'Connor A, Tai A, Brinn M, Hoang A, Cataldi D, Carson-Chahhoud K. The Acceptability of Using Augmented Reality as a Mechanism to Engage Children in Asthma Inhaler Technique Training: Qualitative Interview Study With Deductive Thematic Analysis. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2023;6:e40231 View
  26. Skeens M, Sezgin E, Stevens J, Landier W, Pai A, Gerhardt C. An mHealth App to Promote Adherence to Immunosuppressant Medication and Track Symptoms in Children After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Usability Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2022;11(7):e39098 View
  27. Barbosa Neves B, Baecker R. Mixing Methods and Sciences: A Longitudinal Cross-Disciplinary Mixed Methods Study on Technology to Address Social Isolation and Loneliness in Later Life. Journal of Mixed Methods Research 2022;16(1):88 View
  28. Zarbo C, Agosta S, Casiraghi L, De Novellis A, Leuci E, Paulillo G, Rocchetti M, Starace F, Zamparini M, de Girolamo G. Assessing adherence to and usability of Experience Sampling Method (ESM) and actigraph in patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder: A mixed-method study. Psychiatry Research 2022;314:114675 View
  29. Li Y, Zhou Y, Chen M, Fu M, Luo B, Yu P, Zheng H, Liu F. A WeChat-Based Rehabilitation Platform for Children and Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease to Promote Cardiac FITness (HeartFIT): Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Strategy from Evidence-Based Design to Pilot Study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2022;Volume 15:907 View
  30. Jeganathan V, Kumagai A, Shergill H, Fetters M, Moroi S, Gosbee J, Kim D, Weiland J, Ehrlich J. Design of Smart Head–Mounted Display Technology: A Convergent Mixed-Methods Study. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 2022;116(5):629 View
  31. Abasi S, Yazdani A, Kiani S, Mahmoudzadeh‐Sagheb Z. Effectiveness of mobile health‐based self‐management application for posttransplant cares: A systematic review. Health Science Reports 2021;4(4) View
  32. Marquard J, Howard J, LeBlanc R. Using Novel Data Visualization Methods to Understand Mobile Health Usability. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 2023;41(1):1 View
  33. Wyman D, Butler L, Cooper C, Bright P, Morgan-Trimmer S, Barber J. Process evaluation of the New Interventions for independence in Dementia Study (NIDUS) Family stream randomised controlled trial: protocol. BMJ Open 2022;12(6):e054613 View
  34. Willms A, Rhodes R, Liu S. The Development of a Hypertension Prevention and Financial-Incentive mHealth Program Using a “No-Code” Mobile App Builder: Development and Usability Study. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e43823 View
  35. Idnay B, Fang Y, Dreisbach C, Marder K, Weng C, Schnall R. Clinical Research Staff Perceptions on a Natural Language Processing-Driven Tool for Eligibility Prescreening: An Iterative Usability Assessment. SSRN Electronic Journal 2022 View
  36. Guetterman T, Motohara S, Molina-Azorin J. In This Issue: Tribute to Michael Fetters, Queer Approaches to Mixed Methods, Mixed Methods Community-Engaged Evaluation, Instrument Fidelity and Natural Language Processing, Teaching Mixed Methods, and Geographic Information System. Journal of Mixed Methods Research 2023;17(4):335 View
  37. Ghaben S, Mat Ludin A, Mohamad Ali N, Beng Gan K, Singh D. A framework for design and usability testing of telerehabilitation system for adults with chronic diseases: A panoramic scoping review. DIGITAL HEALTH 2023;9 View
  38. O'Connor A, Tai A, Brinn M, Hoang A, Cataldi D, Carson-Chahhoud K. Co-design of an Augmented Reality Asthma Inhaler Educational Intervention for Children: Development and Usability Study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2023;6:e40219 View
  39. Wong W, Ming D, Pateras S, Fee C, Coleman C, Docktor M, Shah N, Antonelli R. Outcomes of End-User Testing of a Care Coordination Mobile App With Families of Children With Special Health Care Needs: Simulation Study. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e43993 View
  40. Connolly K, Koslouski J, Chafouleas S, Schwartz M, Edmondson B, Briesch A. Evaluating the Usability of the Wellness School Assessment Tool Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WellSAT WSCC): A School Wellness Policy Assessment Tool*. Journal of School Health 2024;94(5):406 View
  41. Østervang C, Jensen C, Coyne E, Dieperink K, Lassen A. Usability and Evaluation of a Health Information System in the Emergency Department: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Human Factors 2024;11:e48445 View
  42. Jager A, Papoutsi C, Wong G. The usage of data in NHS primary care commissioning: a realist evaluation. BMC Primary Care 2023;24(1) View
  43. Mohanraj S, Malone L, Mendonca C, Thirumalai M. Development and Formative Evaluation of a Virtual Exercise Platform for a Community Fitness Center Serving Individuals With Physical Disabilities: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e49685 View
  44. Kazdaloglu A, Cetin Yildiz K, Pekpazar A, Calisir F, Altin Gumussoy C. Conceptualization and survey instrument development for mobile application usability. Universal Access in the Information Society 2024 View
  45. Pannunzio V, Kleinsmann M, Snelders D, Raijmakers J. From digital health to learning health systems: four approaches to using data for digital health design. Health Systems 2023;12(4):481 View
  46. Schweitzer R, Schlögl S, Schweitzer M. Technology-Supported Behavior Change—Applying Design Thinking to mHealth Application Development. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 2024;14(3):584 View
  47. Stabile A, Iribarren S, Sonney J, Demiris G, Schnall R. Usability testing of a mobile health application to support individuals with active tuberculosis: a mixed methods study. Informatics for Health and Social Care 2024;49(2):136 View
  48. Embaye J, de Wit M, Snoek F. A Self-Guided Web-Based App (MyDiaMate) for Enhancing Mental Health in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: Insights From a Real-World Study in the Netherlands. JMIR Diabetes 2024;9:e52923 View
  49. Hach S, Alder G, Stavric V, Taylor D, Signal N. An umbrella review of usability assessment methods for mobile apps for physical rehabilitation (Preprint). JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2023 View
  50. Piella G, Farré N, Esono D, Cordobés M, Vázquez-Corral J, Bilbao I, Gómez-Gavara C. LiverColor: An Artificial Intelligence Platform for Liver Graft Assessment. Diagnostics 2024;14(15):1654 View
  51. Hill A, Morrissey D, Marsh W. What characteristics of clinical decision support system implementations lead to adoption for regular use? A scoping review. BMJ Health & Care Informatics 2024;31(1):e101046 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Fetters M, Tajima C. International Encyclopedia of Education(Fourth Edition). View