Published on in Vol 8, No 3 (2020): March

Mobile Assessment of Acute Effects of Marijuana on Cognitive Functioning in Young Adults: Observational Study

Mobile Assessment of Acute Effects of Marijuana on Cognitive Functioning in Young Adults: Observational Study

Mobile Assessment of Acute Effects of Marijuana on Cognitive Functioning in Young Adults: Observational Study


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  3. Bae S, Chung T, Islam R, Suffoletto B, Du J, Jang S, Nishiyama Y, Mulukutla R, Dey A. Mobile phone sensor-based detection of subjective cannabis intoxication in young adults: A feasibility study in real-world settings. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2021;228:108972 View
  4. Lauvsnes A, Hansen T, Ankill S, Bae S, Gråwe R, Braund T, Larsen M, Langaas M. Mobile Assessments of Mood, Cognition, Smartphone-Based Sensor Activity, and Variability in Craving and Substance Use in Patients With Substance Use Disorders in Norway: Prospective Observational Feasibility Study. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e45254 View
  5. Perzl J, Riedl E, Thomas J. Measuring Situational Cognitive Performance in the Wild: A Psychometric Evaluation of Three Brief Smartphone-Based Test Procedures. Assessment 2024;31(6):1270 View
  6. Brooks-Russell A, Wrobel J, Brown T, Bidwell L, Wang G, Steinhart B, Dooley G, Kosnett M. Effects of acute cannabis inhalation on reaction time, decision-making, and memory using a tablet-based application. Journal of Cannabis Research 2024;6(1) View
  7. Bae S, Chung T, Zhang T, Ozolcer M, Dey A, Islam M. Enhancing Interpretable, Transparent and Unobtrusive Detection of Acute Marijuana Intoxication in Natural Environments: Harnessing Smart Devices and Explainable AI to Empower Just-In-Time Adaptive Interventions (Preprint). JMIR AI 2023 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Vinader-Caerols C, Monleón S. Cannabis Use, Neurobiology, Psychology, and Treatment. View