Published on in Vol 8, No 7 (2020): July
This is a member publication of Charite - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Medizinische Bibliothek, Germany
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- Knitza J, Callhoff J, Chehab G, Hueber A, Kiltz U, Kleyer A, Krusche M, Simon D, Specker C, Schneider M, Voormann A, Welcker M, Richter J. Positionspapier der Kommission Digitale Rheumatologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie e. V.: Aufgaben, Ziele und Perspektiven für eine moderne Rheumatologie. Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 2020;79(6):562 View
- Krusche M, Mühlensiepen F, Aries P, Welcker M, Knitza J. Telemedizin in der Rheumatologie. Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 2020;79(9):883 View
- Kernder A, Morf H, Klemm P, Vossen D, Haase I, Mucke J, Meyer M, Kleyer A, Sewerin P, Bendzuck G, Eis S, Knitza J, Krusche M. Digital rheumatology in the era of COVID-19: results of a national patient and physician survey. RMD Open 2021;7(1):e001548 View
- Muehlensiepen F, Knitza J, Marquardt W, Engler J, Hueber A, Welcker M. Acceptance of Telerheumatology by Rheumatologists and General Practitioners in Germany: Nationwide Cross-sectional Survey Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(3):e23742 View
- Mühlensiepen F, Kurkowski S, Krusche M, Mucke J, Prill R, Heinze M, Welcker M, Schulze-Koops H, Vuillerme N, Schett G, Knitza J. Digital Health Transition in Rheumatology: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021;18(5):2636 View
- Kleinert S, Bartz-Bazzanella P, von der Decken C, Knitza J, Witte T, Fekete S, Konitzny M, Zink A, Gauler G, Wurth P, Aries P, Karberg K, Kuhn C, Schuch F, Späthling-Mestekemper S, Vorbrüggen W, Englbrecht M, Welcker M. A Real-World Rheumatology Registry and Research Consortium: The German RheumaDatenRhePort (RHADAR) Registry. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(5):e28164 View
- Lambrecht A, Vuillerme N, Raab C, Simon D, Messner E, Hagen M, Bayat S, Kleyer A, Aubourg T, Schett G, Hueber A, Knitza J. Quality of a Supporting Mobile App for Rheumatic Patients: Patient-Based Assessment Using the User Version of the Mobile Application Scale (uMARS). Frontiers in Medicine 2021;8 View
- Fagni F, Knitza J, Krusche M, Kleyer A, Tascilar K, Simon D. Digital Approaches for a Reliable Early Diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis. Frontiers in Medicine 2021;8 View
- Muehlensiepen F, Petit P, Knitza J, Welcker M, Vuillerme N. Factors Associated With Telemedicine Use Among German General Practitioners and Rheumatologists: Secondary Analysis of Data From a Nationwide Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(11):e40304 View
- Stenzel R, Hadaschik K, May S, Grahammer M, Labinsky H, Welcker M, Hornig J, Bendzuck G, Elling-Audersch C, Erstling U, Korbanka P, Vuillerme N, Heinze M, Krönke G, Schett G, Pecher A, Krusche M, Mucke J, Knitza J, Muehlensiepen F. Digitally-supported patient-centered asynchronous outpatient follow-up in rheumatoid arthritis - an explorative qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research 2022;22(1) View
- Richter P, Richter J, Lieb E, Steimann F, Chehab G, Becker A, Thielscher C. Digitalization and disruptive change in rheumatology. Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 2023;82(5):417 View
- Richter J, Chehab G, Stachwitz P, Hagen J, Larsen D, Knitza J, Schneider M, Voormann A, Specker C. One year of digital health applications (DiGA) in Germany – Rheumatologists’ perspectives. Frontiers in Medicine 2022;9 View
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- Fedkov D, Berghofen A, Weiss C, Peine C, Lang F, Knitza J, Kuhn S, Krämer B, Leipe J. Efficacy and safety of a mobile app intervention in patients with inflammatory arthritis: a prospective pilot study. Rheumatology International 2022;42(12):2177 View
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- Bamgboje‐Ayodele A, Avery S, Pearson J, Mak M, Smith K, Rincones O, Vinod S, Bray V, Ducinoska I, McCarthy K, Williamson K, Delaney G, Girgis A. Adapting an integrated care pathway for implementing electronic patient reported outcomes assessment in routine oncology care: Lessons learned from a case study. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2022;28(6):1072 View
- Labinsky H, Ukalovic D, Hartmann F, Runft V, Wichmann A, Jakubcik J, Gambel K, Otani K, Morf H, Taubmann J, Fagni F, Kleyer A, Simon D, Schett G, Reichert M, Knitza J. An AI-Powered Clinical Decision Support System to Predict Flares in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Pilot Study. Diagnostics 2023;13(1):148 View
- Mucke J, Knitza J, Muehlensiepen F, Grahammer M, Stenzel R, Simon D, Kleyer A, Krönke G, Sharp C, Bendzuck G, Korinth M, Elling-Audersch C, Vuillerme N, Schett G, Pecher A, Krusche M. TELERA—Asynchronous TELEmedicine for Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: Study Protocol for a Prospective, Multi-Center, Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Medicine 2021;8 View
- Muehlensiepen F, May S, Hadaschik K, Vuillerme N, Heinze M, Grahammer M, Labinsky H, Boeltz S, Detert J, Petersen J, Krönke G, Schett G, Knitza J. Digitally supported shared decision-making and treat-to-target in rheumatology: a qualitative study embedded in a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Rheumatology International 2022;43(4):695 View
- Welcker M, Mühlensiepen F, Knitza J, Popp F, Aries P. Digitalisierung in der Rheumapraxis. Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 2021;80(9):835 View
- Zarbl J, Eimer E, Gigg C, Bendzuck G, Korinth M, Elling-Audersch C, Kleyer A, Simon D, Boeltz S, Krusche M, Mucke J, Muehlensiepen F, Vuillerme N, Krönke G, Schett G, Knitza J. Remote self-collection of capillary blood using upper arm devices for autoantibody analysis in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory rheumatic diseases. RMD Open 2022;8(2):e002641 View
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- Griewing S, Knitza J, Gremke N, Wallwiener M, Wagner U, Lingenfelder M, Kuhn S. Awareness and intention-to-use of digital health applications, artificial intelligence and blockchain technology in breast cancer care. Frontiers in Medicine 2024;11 View
- Braun J, Albrecht K, Callhoff J, Haase I, Krause A, Lakomek H, Meyer-Olson D, Schmale-Grede R, Wagner U, Zeidler J, Zinke S, Voormann A, Specker C. Rheumatologische Versorgung in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 2024;83(S2):249 View
- May S, Darkow R, Knitza J, Boy K, Klemm P, Heinze M, Vuillerme N, Petit P, Steffens-Korbanka P, Kladny H, Hornig J, Aries P, Welcker M, Muehlensiepen F. Digital Transformation of Rheumatology Care in Germany: Cross-Sectional National Survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2025;27:e52601 View
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Books/Policy Documents
- Detert J, Detert M. Innovationen in der Gesundheitsversorgung. View