Published on in Vol 12 (2024)

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Mobile App Intervention to Reduce Substance Use, Gambling, and Digital Media Use in Vocational School Students: Exploratory Analysis of the Intervention Arm of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Mobile App Intervention to Reduce Substance Use, Gambling, and Digital Media Use in Vocational School Students: Exploratory Analysis of the Intervention Arm of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Mobile App Intervention to Reduce Substance Use, Gambling, and Digital Media Use in Vocational School Students: Exploratory Analysis of the Intervention Arm of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Kristin Grahlher   1 , MSc ;   Matthis Morgenstern   2 , Prof Dr, PhD ;   Benjamin Pietsch   2 , PhD ;   Elena Gomes de Matos   3, 4 , PhD ;   Monika Rossa   3 , BSc ;   Kirsten Lochbühler   3 , PhD ;   Anne Daubmann   5 , Dipl-Stat ;   Rainer Thomasius   1 , MD, Prof Dr Med ;   Nicolas Arnaud   1 , PhD

1 German Centre for Addiction Research in Childhood and Adolescence, University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

2 Institute for Therapy and Health Research, IFT-Nord, Kiel, Germany

3 IFT Institut für Therapieforschung, Munich, Germany

4 Institute for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Charlotte Fresenius University, Munich, Germany

5 Institute for Medical Biometry and Epidemiology, University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

Corresponding Author:

  • Nicolas Arnaud, PhD
  • German Centre for Addiction Research in Childhood and Adolescence
  • University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf
  • Martinistr 52
  • Hamburg, 20246
  • Germany
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