Published on in Vol 4, No 3 (2016): Jul-Sept

Mobile Sensing and Support for People With Depression: A Pilot Trial in the Wild

Mobile Sensing and Support for People With Depression: A Pilot Trial in the Wild

Mobile Sensing and Support for People With Depression: A Pilot Trial in the Wild


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  67. Hilty D, Armstrong C, Luxton D, Gentry M, Krupinski E. A Scoping Review of Sensors, Wearables, and Remote Monitoring For Behavioral Health: Uses, Outcomes, Clinical Competencies, and Research Directions. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science 2021;6(2):278 View
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  100. De Angel V, Lewis S, White K, Oetzmann C, Leightley D, Oprea E, Lavelle G, Matcham F, Pace A, Mohr D, Dobson R, Hotopf M. Digital health tools for the passive monitoring of depression: a systematic review of methods. npj Digital Medicine 2022;5(1) View
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  105. Mendes J, Moura I, Van de Ven P, Viana D, Silva F, Coutinho L, Teixeira S, Rodrigues J, Teles A. Sensing Apps and Public Data Sets for Digital Phenotyping of Mental Health: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(2):e28735 View
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Books/Policy Documents

  1. Hegerl U, Dogan E, Oehler C, Sander C, Stöber F. Gesundheit digital. View
  2. Senders J, Maher N, Hulsbergen A, Lamba N, Bredenoord A, Broekman M. Ethics of Innovation in Neurosurgery. View
  3. Martinez-Martin N. Ethical Dimensions of Commercial and DIY Neurotechnologies. View
  4. Kowatsch T, Fischer-Taeschler D, Putzing F, Bürki P, Stettler C, Chiesa-Tanner G, Fleisch E. Digitale Transformation von Dienstleistungen im Gesundheitswesen VI. View
  5. von Wangenheim F, Ventouris J. Perspektiven des Dienstleistungsmanagements. View
  6. Ebert D, Harrer M, Apolinário-Hagen J, Baumeister H. Frontiers in Psychiatry. View
  7. Sengupta S, Adragna M. Psychiatric Nonadherence. View
  8. Castro L, Rodríguez M, Martínez F, Rodríguez L, Andrade Á, Cornejo R. Intelligent Data Sensing and Processing for Health and Well-Being Applications. View
  9. Rebolledo M, Eiben A, Bartz-Beielstein T. Applications of Evolutionary Computation. View
  10. Bhatia S, Kesarwani Y, Basantani A, Jain S. Proceedings of the International Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences. View
  11. Lamba D, Hsu W, Alsadhan M. Machine Learning, Big Data, and IoT for Medical Informatics. View
  12. Appel R, Matz S. Measuring and Modeling Persons and Situations. View
  13. Mao S, Khalifa Y, Zhang Z, Shu K, Suri A, Bouzid Z, Sejdic E. Digital Health. View
  14. Terhorst Y, Knauer J, Baumeister H. Digital Phenotyping and Mobile Sensing. View
  15. Pramanik H, Pal A, Kirtania M, Chakravarty T, Ghose A. Smartphone-Based Detection Devices. View
  16. Ingram W, Khanna R, Weston C. Mental Health Informatics. View
  17. Ghosh A, Dey S. Efficient Data Handling for Massive Internet of Medical Things. View
  18. Garatva P, Terhorst Y, Messner E, Karlen W, Pryss R, Baumeister H. Digital Phenotyping and Mobile Sensing. View
  19. Kolenik T. Integrating Artificial Intelligence and IoT for Advanced Health Informatics. View
  20. Marchionatti L, Mastella N, Bouvier V, Passos I. Digital Mental Health. View
  21. Tlachac M, Flores R, Toto E, Rundensteiner E. Deep Learning Applications, Volume 4. View
  22. Harrer M, Terhorst Y, Baumeister H, Ebert D. Digitale Gesundheitsinterventionen. View
  23. Hilty D, Peled A, Luxton D. Tasman’s Psychiatry. View
  24. Nag A, Das A, Sil R, Kar A, Mandal D, Das B. Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. View
  25. Bhasin H, Chirag , Kumar N, Thakur H. Advanced Computing. View
  26. Hilty D, Peled A, Luxton D. Tasman’s Psychiatry. View