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Articles published in 2017 in this theme: 13 (scroll down to load remaining articles)

Casey A Cole, Dien Anshari, Victoria Lambert, James F Thrasher, Homayoun Valafar
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2017 (Dec 13); 5(12):e189Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Oriol Marquet, Claudia Alberico, Deepti Adlakha, J Aaron Hipp
JMIR Serious Games 2017 (Oct 24); 5(4):e21Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Paola Pedrelli, Esther Howe, David Mischoulon, Rosalind Picard, Asma Ghandeharioun, Szymon Fedor
Iproc 2017 (Sep 22); 3(1):e51Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Ezgi Dogan, Christian Sander, Xenija Wagner, Ulrich Hegerl, Elisabeth Kohls
J Med Internet Res 2017 (Jul 24); 19(7):e262Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Ecological Momentary Assessment of Physical Activity: Validation Study
Gregory Knell, Kelley Pettee Gabriel, Michael S Businelle, Kerem Shuval, David W Wetter, Darla E Kendzor
J Med Internet Res 2017 (Jul 18); 19(7):e253Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Noelle Regina Leonard, Michelle Silverman, Dawa Phuti Sherpa, Madeline A Naegle, Hyorim Kim, Donna L Coffman, Marcy Ferdschneider
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2017 (Jul 07); 5(7):e90Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Chloe Bedard, Sara King-Dowling, Madeline McDonald, Genevieve Dunton, John Cairney, Matthew Kwan
JMIR Public Health Surveill 2017 (May 31); 3(2):e32Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Jennifer L Pearson, Hoda Elmasry, Babita Das, Sabrina L Smiley, Leslie F Rubin, Teresa DeAtley, Emily Harvey, Yitong Zhou, Raymond Niaura, David B Abrams
JMIR Res Protoc 2017 (May 29); 6(5):e84Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Cassandra JC Wright, Paul M Dietze, Paul A Agius, Emmanuel Kuntsche, Robin Room, Michael Livingston, Margaret Hellard, Megan SC Lim
JMIR Res Protoc 2017 (May 25); 6(5):e95Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Cheng K Fred Wen, Stefan Schneider, Arthur A Stone, Donna Spruijt-Metz
J Med Internet Res 2017 (Apr 26); 19(4):e132Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Immediate Mood Scaler: Tracking Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety Using a Novel Mobile Mood Scale
Mor Nahum, Thomas M Van Vleet, Vikaas S Sohal, Julie J Mirzabekov, Vikram R Rao, Deanna L Wallace, Morgan B Lee, Heather Dawes, Alit Stark-Inbar, Joshua Thomas Jordan, Bruno Biagianti, Michael Merzenich, Edward F Chang
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2017 (Apr 12); 5(4):e44Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Lora E Burke, Saul Shiffman, Edvin Music, Mindi A Styn, Andrea Kriska, Asim Smailagic, Daniel Siewiorek, Linda J Ewing, Eileen Chasens, Brian French, Juliet Mancino, Dara Mendez, Patrick Strollo, Stephen L Rathbun
J Med Internet Res 2017 (Mar 15); 19(3):e77Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Sabrina L Smiley, Hoda Elmasry, Monica Webb Hooper, Raymond S Niaura, Alison B Hamilton, Norweeta G Milburn
JMIR Res Protoc 2017 (Feb 02); 6(2):e9Download Citation: END BibTex RIS